"Unfortunately demolishing individuals and families does not count because there is no "law" against it."
Southern Belle - you are a comrade. I salute your ideas and understand the frustration that we all feel.
However, there is a law that addresses demolishing individuals and families without cause and Tiny Thames is getting spanked on this, via many filed lawsuits.
Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but by striking true. Honore de Balzac
I know of one faculty member's life which has been affected and his representation tainted because of the current administration. This faculty member filed a lawsuit which was dismissed from court.
I know of several instances on campus where faculty and staff members have been affected with little or no input from the department administration has been asked for or received. One such situation at the present is being fought by tenured facuty within the department. So far an extension has been granted to the individual through spring semester. What happens after then is anyone's guess.