Emma, I do as much private messaging as posting, and now email some of my board friends. So, even if the board is "dead" it's still serving its function as a means of communication -- you just don't see all the communication. Also, I think people are busy and trying to keep a low profile while the presidential search goes forward. Just let there be Another Stupid Thing, and you'll see the board light up. As one friend commented recently, "well, in a way, it's good for the board to be quiet. That means we're doing our work, teaching our classes, and not having to stomp out fires all the time."
Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad. ~P.D. East
I am unsure of your point? The Board orginated out of a reaction to a crisis. The crisis has perhaps not completely passed, but certainly become a much more complex and less time sensitive set of concerns.
I agree with LVN -- the Board continues to serve an important function for me but I don't feel as compelled to constantly respond to every single thing that is written. Much of my interest is in simply listenng to people's concerns when they are expressed -- and I do think that as we are not in a constant state of terror both the need to comment and the need to respond are not as immediate as previously.
And yes -- as this Presidency begins to lose its power and its aura, the rest of my life -- much of it put on hold for the past four years -- has now assumed a significance (thank god!) to which I can (and must) pay some attention.
I have found that with this administration most of the time "no news" results in BAD news. I am quietly counting down the months and days until the new administration takes over.