There will be some interesting fall out in the future for Southern Miss because of the recent election. The Dome's drive to push up R&D dollars is heavily based on Federal Monies provided by our Senators. The danger of the high pork diet is its susceptability to political change, with that change now imminent. With Senator Cochran lossing his position as the majority head of the Senate Appropriations committee gone are the last minute line items, gone are the companies dropping money and gone are the Federal Agencies interest in trying to do something nice for a powerful Republican Senator.
With the change in political winds and the Gnome's ongoing implementation of vengence, the future is bleak for his successor. It is fairly obvious that the inflated push to $100 Million will be followed by a nose dive back to numbers fitting for a 4th tier institution. Pity we sacrificed the programs that were worth something on the way to this cooked up number.
Cochran has lost some power/clout with the Democrats taking over the Senate but he will still swing plenty of weight as the Senior Minority Leader on the Appropriations Committee. Senator Byrd did pretty well for WV while he was in the minority, in part do to Cochran’s respect for Byrd. That kindness will likely be returned by Byrd to Cochran. Also, note that the Democrats’ control of the Senate is only by the slimmest of margins, 1.
As to your comment concerning “last minute line items,” from what I have seen and heard, that has never been Cochran’s style. You might wish to better educate yourself on the legislative process with regard as to how earmarks are included. There is nothing last minute about the vast majority of them, particularly those that are directed toward universities. Most companies and universities are busy now working with their congressional delegations concerning earmarks, and other directed funding projects, for the FY 2008 budget and congress has yet to pass the FY 2007, not a "last minute" effort if you ask me. Note that the congressional offices have a formal process for making these request.
There is also likely to be little if any change in the federal agencies regard for Cochran. In addition, Lott is likely to benefit from the Democrats taking control of the Senate. If Lott is made the Whip for the Republicans in the Senate, Mississippi’s Senator’s will still be a powerful force. And, based on the votes in this election and in the last presidential election, there is likely a 50-50 chance of the Senate swinging back under the control of the Republicans in 2008, in which case Cochran would likely be back as the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee. With all this said, I doubt we will see a “nose dive” in USM’s R&D funding and with Shelby on the way out I would not describe the future as “bleak” for his successor or the University.
I will end this by asking a question about your last comment, “Pity we sacrificed the programs that were worth something on the way to this cooked up number.” I am not aware of any programs having to be “sacrificed” in order to obtain any earmark funding or other R&D funding. If you are aware of such, would you please elaborate?
The NYT is reporting that Lott has been elected senate minority leader. --------------------------------------------------- Whoops. I Misread the story. Lott's the whip, as y'all have pointed out.