The Southern Miss Alumni Association Presidential Transition Team
Led by co-chairs Phil Bryant and Rex Kelly, the 15-person Southern Miss Alumni Association Presidential Transition Team is working to ensure that every possible effort is made to secure a president who will have the credentials, skill set and professional energy to continue the progress of Southern Miss as it strives to build upon its status as a university of distinction.
The team’s action plan includes information gathering in the form of interviews with current President Shelby Thames; Institutions of Higher Learning Board of Trustees (IHL) Commissioner Tom Meredith; President Emeritus Aubrey Lucas; faculty, staff and student representatives, Hattiesburg and Gulf Coast community leaders and others. In addition, a survey regarding the University and the presidency was mailed to all alumni as part of the fall edition of the Southern Miss Connections newsletter. Based on the data collected, the team is developing a desired attributes description, a desired skill set description, and a priority leadership style for the position.
The team's work is in no way intended to dimish the role of the IHL Board in the presidential search process. The next president will, and should, be named by the IHL Board. However, Southern Miss alumni have a stake in the outcome of the search and have chosen to provide a forum for dialogue, discussion, research and resolution....
Questions: How independent is the USM Alumni Association? Do they really "represent" the graduates of USM? Is their funding subject to review by independent observers? What was their role in the last Presidential "search"?