Is the faculty of the English Department afraid of Thames perhaps because they are insecure about their own field? Is it because they know that it hard sciences really make a difference in the real world? Is it because they know that a degree in English is almost worthless in regards to getting employment after graduation unless you are hoping to be an instructor, which most students do not desire to be?
quote: Originally posted by: AntonelliCollegeRulz "Is the faculty of the English Department afraid of Thames perhaps because they are insecure about their own field? Is it because they know that it hard sciences really make a difference in the real world? Is it because they know that a degree in English is almost worthless in regards to getting employment after graduation unless you are hoping to be an instructor, which most students do not desire to be? NO DIME!"
You must have missed the thread containing the names of many successful undergraduate English majors. Many giants of industry majored in English. Some Editors prefer English majors to journalism majors. English is a marvelous undergraduate major for those planning on entering law school. I have known several English majors who entered medical school.
quote: Originally posted by: AntonelliCollegeRulz "Is the faculty of the English Department afraid of Thames perhaps because they are insecure about their own field? Is it because they know that it hard sciences really make a difference in the real world? Is it because they know that a degree in English is almost worthless in regards to getting employment after graduation unless you are hoping to be an instructor, which most students do not desire to be? NO DIME!"
The first premed student I knew, who was accepted into Tulane Medical School, was a History major. Psychology is another great premed major for those taking the necessary premed requisites. Big myth, this notion that one must major in chemistry, biology, etc., to get into medical school. I once had the job of interviewing prospective medical students at a major medical school. If we found someone with the appropriate academic premed background, but who had majored in music and spend summers with an archaeological group looking for Noah's Arc, we would sure make a positive note of that. Medical schols are looking for people who they judge to be "a notch above" the run-of-the-mill, hum-drum, non-creative applicant.
quote: Originally posted by: AntonelliCollegeRulz "Is the faculty of the English Department afraid of Thames perhaps because they are insecure about their own field? Is it because they know that it hard sciences really make a difference in the real world? Is it because they know that a degree in English is almost worthless in regards to getting employment after graduation unless you are hoping to be an instructor, which most students do not desire to be? NO DIME!"
quote: Originally posted by: AntonelliCollegeRulz "Is the faculty of the English Department afraid of Thames perhaps because they are insecure about their own field? Is it because they know that it hard sciences really make a difference in the real world? Is it because they know that a degree in English is almost worthless in regards to getting employment after graduation unless you are hoping to be an instructor, which most students do not desire to be? NO DIME!"
Wow, someone forgot to tell my employer that my 2 degrees in English are worthless!
quote: Originally posted by: AntonelliCollegeRulz "Is the faculty of the English Department afraid of Thames perhaps because they are insecure about their own field? Is it because they know that it hard sciences really make a difference in the real world? Is it because they know that a degree in English is almost worthless in regards to getting employment after graduation unless you are hoping to be an instructor, which most students do not desire to be? NO DIME!"
We will now evaluate this troll's simplistic post using the now-infamous Troll-O-Meter:
Artistic Merit = 0 (We did not cry a single tear.)
Egregious Grammer = +5 ("..they know it hard sciences..")
Wanton Capitalization = +1 ("NO DIME")
Use of Emoticons = 0 (No emoticon use was noted.)
Intelligence = -10 (If you can't speak-a de English, you can't gett-a de job.)
Overall Troll-O-Meter Score = -4
This translates into a -8% (again, for you mathematical troll's)
We would recommend that AntonelliCollegeRulz begin banging his head against a solid brick wall, thus cracking open his skull and allowing some brain cells to enter.
quote: Originally posted by: Trollus Detectus in Extremis "We would recommend that AntonelliCollegeRulz begin banging his head against a solid brick wall, thus cracking open his skull and allowing some brain cells to enter."
Just letting in one brain cell would probably help.
Or as they say at Eagle Talk, "hand that guy the brain cell."
Learning how to write and to read critically will always be skills critical for success. Hence, English is not a field in decay. English professors nationally have salaries that are lower then professors in business and the sciences because of the large number of doctorate degrees in English in the US. Since it is not an easy discipline, there apparently is a great deal of intrinsic reward that people get from being part of the English discipline. I doubt that folks in English are any more afraid or concerned about the problems at USM than professors in many of the other disciplines. They likely are more outspoken than those in many other disciplines because of the lack of jobs compared to the number of applicants. Thus, they have a greater reason to involve themselves in the governance of the university when they see a situation that is deteriorating and threatening the university. Conversely, a professor in business or science that has published and established a reputation has little problem finding a position elsewhere, albeit possibly in the cold white north. In reality, the university, the state, and future students will benefit from the commitment of English faculty (and many others) while those of us who can, and will move, find a more user friendly university, those that stay will prevent the complete collapse of the institution. People such this poster are so parochial that they fail to understand that professors operate in a national market. They publish to be of greater value in the national market and remain mobile. USM must compete to hire in this market as does Mississippi State and Ole Miss. Presently, USM is not at all competitive and its appeal to prospective faculty will continue to decline until there is new leadership. It is inevitable and will not stop until faculty are treated as valuable components of the university rather than as people to be held in contempt by the administration, many members of the Hattiesburg community, and the Board.
If I may, I'd like to post again something I posted once on Fire Shelby. I think it is pertinent here:
"Why do men entertain this queer idea that what is sordid must always overthrow what is magnanimous; that there is some dim connection between brains and brutality, or that it does not matter if a man is dull so long as he is also mean? Why do they vaguely think of all chivalry as sentiment and all sentiment as weakness? They do it because they are, like all men, primarily inspired by religion. For them, as for all men, the first fact is their notion of the nature of things; their idea about what world they are living in. And it is their faith that the only ultimate thing is fear and therefore that the very heart of the world is evil. They believe that death is stronger than life, and therefore dead things must be stronger than living things; whether those dead things are gold and iron and machinery or rocks and rivers and forces of nature. It may sound fanciful to say that men we meet at tea-tables or talk to at garden-parties are secretly worshippers of Baal or Moloch. But this sort of commercial mind has its own cosmic vision and it is the vision of Carthage. It has in it the brutal blunder that was the ruin of Carthage. The Punic power fell because there is in this materialism a mad indifference to real thought. By disbelieving in the soul, it comes to disbelieving in the mind. Being too practical to be moral, it denies what every practical soldier calls the moral of an army. It fancies that money will fight when men will no longer fight." G. K. Chesterton, "The War of the Gods and the Demons," The Everlasting Man.
And again I say, for the good of all our souls, No Quarter!
Originally posted by: Jameela Lares "If I may, I'd like to post again something I posted once on Fire Shelby. I think it is pertinent here:," . . . The Everlasting Man. And again I say, for the good of all our souls, No Quarter! Jameela Lares "
Lovely, Jameela.
I'm observed that our little provocateurs tend to throw out these little bomblets of specious wisdom and then leave the field rather than replying with the kind of honest dialogue in which many of the folks on the board keep trying to create. Looking back over this series of posts, I am struck by the wit, intelligence and genuine willingness of all of you to engage with someone who quite obviously doesn't care for a genuine conversation about competeting ideas . . . it is much more fun to throw a rock through the window and run than it is to stand and defend one's actions.
I've sort of come to the conclusion that what we have on our Board is a mild type of terrorist -- people whose allegience to a particular cause is less important than the sheer joy of creating havoc and mayhem. It is quite contemptable really -- and while I am sure that it is fun for them it is a pretty cheap, not particularly challenging fun to be hiding behind various anonymous identities.
These are people who hide behind those identitities not only because it is the only way they can play the game (such as it is) . . . but because they are essentially intellectual cowards. There is no one in this community of discussants who has any power over any of these folks I would hazard a guess. So it is not a matter of fear of retribution. Your hiding yourself is a lot like a criminal who grabs a helpless child and uses it as a shield -- pathetic.
As far as I am concerned, these folks aren't really all too different from the bookburners, who are really just a particular species of Snopses.
Dear Snopse: You know where I live and work if you have access to any usm phone book. If you are really serious about engagement you have at least half a dozen names on this list of people who are public and to whom you can speak in person.
Otherwise, try to find a little dignity and at least either stick around and make some cogent arguements for what you believe or throw your bomb under your own name.