"University of Southern Mississippi President Shelby Thames’ continuing presence on campus in a research capacity after he resigns the presidency in May will not impact the candidate pool for his replacement, state Higher Education Commissioner Tom Meredith said Friday."
One hopes there was an unspoken "or else" at the end of le commissioner's sentence?
We shall begin to hear more such speech; one wishes the outgoing person well and says the insincere nice things. One may pet the dragon whose fires are quenched, but beware the embers.
“Dr. Thames is a gentleman, he’s a statesman – he’ll understand the proper role for a former president,” Well, so much for Meredith's credibility.
This quote also caught my eye -- while Dr. Meredith may be trying to be diplomatic, this assertion is so ridiculous that anyone who has followed the news of the last four years will see through it. Maybe this was a 'proactive' attempt to muzzle the Dome Gnome?
It just sank in what this is all about. The public are being taken for fools, notice the date that they are aiming to announce the successor. It will all end with "Just Kidding" and you got 4 more years with SFT.