13. Other Business - Dr. Meredith thanked Dr. Shelby Thames, President of The University of Southern Mississippi, for donating 50 gallons of paint to the IHL Board Office to be used on the interior walls. (p. 7)
2. Each university presented its campus master plan to the Board. (p. 9) [no details provided]
Real Estate & Facilities items that were approved by the IHL Board staff subsequent to the August 16, 2006 Board meeting in accordance with Board Policy 901.03 Facilities Staff Responsibilities.
The following item was approved by the Chairman, Real Estate and Facilities Committee, due to emergency needs and time sensitive issues:
The Chairman and Board Staff approved the bids and requested approval and award of a contract by the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management to the only bidder, Casablanca Construction, Inc., in the amount of $1,250,000 for GS 108-231, Visualization Center/Stennis Center Phase II. Funds are available in the project budget. (p. 12)