Back everyone. As you might imagine, my e-mail drawer is quite full; have been wading through it all day long. In doing so, a pattern emerges, and I felt I couldn't delay my next mill till morning. I have been swamped with e-mails from my ops reporting the same story over and over, often as told by their local sources. That story: everyone need head over to the Aramark/BN textbook center and examine "the new" textbook pricing "scandal." [common words in the e-mails]
As one email from bunson in COST put it: "I can't imagine that our students can continue to be able to afford coming here......"
I have over 12 e-mails on this in the first few pages of my folder (can't imagine how many more must await). Perhaps you should all head over on the 'morrow for a peek.
[P.S.: one of these e-mails is very suspicious/cryptic, and from an unfamiliar source. I've read over it a dozen times --- I think it's TH {possibly}]
Just heard from ntsft. ntsft was the "mystery" emailer (were all a little on edge at times). ntsft was simply testing out another "avenue" for sending ops reports and neglected to sign this new one (by mistake).