1. No Contracts Yet --- there are some who are arguing that SFT & Co aren't going to issue contracts anymore, beginning with '04-'05. Many schools don't do this is. Here's the rub. MS is a "right-to-work" state, and some believe that without contractual protection, SFT can dismiss faculty "at will." "But what about tenure?" you ask. His plan is to fire people and let the courts sort out the mess (which supercedes the other, right-to-work or tenure?).
2. Merit Raises --- if you read today's HA article, it sounds almost like SFT & Co want to reassess how the so-called $2.5 million in merit raise money is to be distributed. Some believe that the original plan was to give it to something greater than the 10% of faculty who have been getting raises of late, but restrict it to below 100% of faculty. The common expectation has been "about 45% or 50%." Now that the facsen came along and "convinced" him to find $400 for every USM employee, some believe that he is now rethinking the merit raise plan. Now, he may be back to considering raises for something like 15% or 20% of "the most deserving" faculty. Reading between the lines of the latest HA piece today could give one this impression.
Just a thought (that has probably already been expressed on this message board):
The longer SFT waits to either (1) issue contracts that may themselves spur an immediate surge in the faculty exodus or (2) announce that he will not issue contracts and adopt the all-faculty-at-will stance, which will likely spur an immediate surge in resignations, the smaller the number of faculty departures will be--in the short run. The recruiting season for fall 2004 adjuncts is about to wind up, and there are few places to go until next fall.
SFT = diabolical, short-term thinker or just a nut-case??
My apologies to all respondents for implying a forced choice in my query:
SFT = diabolical, short-term thinker or nut case??
These are not mutually exclusive possibilities, and a third choice should have been offered:
SFT = diabolical, short-term thinker AND nut case??
However, the third option, "all the above," implies psychopathology, e.g. antisocial or (maybe) narcissistic personality or both. Hmmm. This merits a follow up study:
A. SFT = antisocial
B. SFT = narcissistic
C. SFT = The academic equivalent to Hannibal Lecter with poor impulse control
This survey has been approved by the SFT-IRB, because it will attract grant money and no other reason.
quote: Originally posted by: tomcat "My Dean told me yesterday he hadn't seen them yet, and didn't have any idea when they might appear."
Actually some of the PAFs (performance Appraisal Forms) have already been written and others are being put together . . . that is the form that must precede any chnage in contract status, as I understand it (like raises or rank).
I might have that slightly wrong and someone out there can correct me but I think that is generally the idea. There was a real rush kast week to get them done so contracts could come out.
There are some genuine reasons to be paranoid out there but the contracts could not come out until the raises were decided on . . .
quote: Originally posted by: stephen judd " Actually some of the PAFs (performance Appraisal Forms) have already been written and others are being put together . . . that is the form that must precede any chnage in contract status, as I understand it (like raises or rank). I might have that slightly wrong and someone out there can correct me but I think that is generally the idea. There was a real rush kast week to get them done so contracts could come out. There are some genuine reasons to be paranoid out there but the contracts could not come out until the raises were decided on . . . "