-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Media Contact: Annie Mitchell Phone Number: (601) 432-6493
9/29/2006 (Jackson, Miss. )
Dr. D.E. Magee, Jr., President of the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning, today announced the members of the Board Search Committee for the institutional executive officer (IEO) search at the University of Southern Mississippi. Current Southern Miss President Dr. Shelby Thames will step down in May, 2007. Members of the Southern Miss Board Search Committee are: Trustee Robin Robinson of Laurel, MS, who will also serve as Committee Chair; Trustee Ed Blakeslee of Gulfport, MS; Trustee Virginia Shanteau Newton of Gulfport, MS; Trustee Bob Owens of Jackson, MS; and Trustee Scott Ross of West Point, MS.
"The Board Search Committee for the University of Southern Mississippi is committed to hiring the best possible individual for the position of President at Southern Miss," said President Magee.
Commissioner of Higher Education Dr. Thomas C. Meredith also announced that executive search firm Greenwood & Associates, Inc. will be used to assist the Board during the search process.
The Board Search Committee, Commissioner and an associate from Greenwood & Associates, Inc., are tentatively scheduled to meet with various University of Southern Mississippi constituency groups during open meetings on Thursday, November 9, on the Southern Miss campus, to find out what traits the university community wants in their next president. Greenwood & Associates, Inc. will use these traits to draft the job description. Details will be announced as they are finalized.
IHL's institutional executive officer search process allows Mississippi to be on the consideration list of the highest caliber professionals in higher education. The process is open, transparent and representative-based, and works in accordance with today's recruitment standards for high-level institutions of higher learning. For more information on the University of Southern Mississippi IEO search process, including a timeline of events, , including a timeline of events, visit the Institutional Executive Officer Search Process link.
I recognize only a few of the names, and that's ok. Do you, as the ones in the trenches feel like its a good committee or are you afraid of being screwed again? I do have to ask myself if it could be worse than what you currently have.
Patti wrote: I recognize only a few of the names, and that's ok. Do you, as the ones in the trenches feel like its a good committee or are you afraid of being screwed again? I do have to ask myself if it could be worse than what you currently have.
One Senator's opinion:
Robin Robinson came and talked to the Senate retreat and virtually every Senator came away hoping she'd chair the search -- and that worked out. She is a strong Southern Miss advocate (to be fair to her, that means that if other Board members act out of school loyalty she's not about to let Southern Miss get screwed). She has clearly learned a lot since her early days on the Board when Klum took her under his wing -- I think it is pretty clear that that backfired and she had educated herself on Board issues. She takes the job seriously. And she listens well, from what I can see.
We know about Virginia -- she's been a fighter in the trenches since early on. And for those who might be disappointed that she did not speak out publically more, I think we see what that patience eventually got: it was under her vice presidency and then presidency that the Board undertook the effort to examine a new governance structure for itself while it looked for a new commissioner. And if I have read the cards right, I have a feeling that all of those changes so undermined Klum that he either resigned voluntarily, having lost credibility, or he was forced out (pure speculation on my part).
Blakeslee has seemed to bring a real no non-sense professionalism to the table and has been very instrumental in helping to shelve a number of stupid or untimely ideas. Word is that it was Blakeslee who proposed delaying the outsourcing vote by a very clever strategy of proposing a system-wide survey of the issue . . . . effectively (we hope) killing that for at least this year until a new administration can look at it.
Don't know Owen at all --- perhaps someone else can comment.
Ross has been a State booster since early on and. along with Roy, managed to get overly involved in a number of issues that a more policially savvy and distanced Board member would have stayed clear of. My personal opinion is that with Roy's leaving, the he has been effectively neutralized.
I think this is a good Board for us -- three very strong people, one unknown, and a neutralized State booster whose presence will lend credence to the concept that the Board Search Committee is not composed simply of USM boosters. The truth is that the USM folks, from what I can see, have always taken the idea of trying to be impartial seriously, and the State supporters on the Board have been pretty open about acting on behalf of their university -- and have gotten away with it in the past. That is one reason why their is still resentment among some state alums against Meredith -- they may talk aout transparency but the truth is that he forced powerful people out of the driver's seat -- they simply were not able to control the search.
We've talked in the Senate long and hard -- lots of arguments -- about how hard to continue to press for complete openness. In the end, we have not only to balance a series of very compelling arguments from the commissioner for the present system with our desire for openness, but we also have to balance that against the last "open" search -- which everyone knows wasn't open at all. After watching the state search, and taking into account the adjustments being made in the search process to include more of the Campus Advisory Board on the late stages of the search, I think there are more reasons to trust Meredith and his process than reasons not to trust him and it. I realize that is a tough thing for many people to swallow and I can understand it, but that is certainly the way I feel at this moment.
The Senate, believing that we have had a part (along with the AAUP) in showing Dr. Meredith that faculty at USM, despite having a rough four years, are dedicated, thoughtful, and rational even though we have plenty of reason for anger. In other words, we have estabished a basis for mutual, if cautious trust. Meredith knows that he is not only staking his own integrity on this process, but he is staking the integrity of the process itself on this effort, and to a lesser extent, Alcorn. I'm actually thankful to be in a position where I can say that I believe we have more reasons to trust him than not to trust him -- we have not been in that position for a very long time.
This is not to say that we should abandon our caution, that we should negotiate respectfully for every concession we can get to the things we believe to be true which we believe will help ensure a good search and a great outcome. The important thing is that we are at the table -- that the commissioner for higher education has met with the AAUP and came to the USM campus to visit with faculty Senate (I'm not sure if that has ever happened before) and that he has acknowleged publically talking directly to faculty leadership -- when has a commissioner or a Board ever done that? Not in my eight years here.
Meredith has made several impassioned talks on the theme of our responsibility to the State to educate its students and to do it well. And he has made it clear (at least rhetorically) that he does not like and won't tolerate territorialism if it gets in the way of that goal. Its a lofty ideal -- and of course, every leader who publically commits to such an ideal is putting a target on his or her back. But I admire that and and glad that at least someone finally has the guts to stand up for the right things -- it means he has given us a direction, and he has asked that we judge him by a standard that he has set for himself and for us. In my book, that is refreshing.
Sorry to be long winded . . . I'll get off the soap box. This is such an opportunity for us -- I hope that we can unite as a community to make it work.
I had come to the same conclusion, but I am glad you have much more information on which to base your opinion. It appears to me that the toughest part of this search will be to interest someone with sufficient experience and acumen to take the job. There is hardly anything left at USM that is not broken or damaged. The administrative structure is full of people in over their heads on both the academic and staff side of the university.
I had the pleasure of socializing with some faculty from several different departments this evening, and I felt a change in the air. Granted, many of them were fairly new, but overall there was a little bit of . . . . hmm, well, for those who are friends of Narnia, perhaps we heard sleigh bells? It can't be always winter and never Christmas.
Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad. ~P.D. East
Cossack wrote: Stephen, ...There is hardly anything left at USM that is not broken or damaged. The administrative structure is full of people in over their heads on both the academic and staff side of the university.
Cossack refers to the damage and incompetence. An example of the communication problems can be seen in the thread "F.S. communications with President Thames". The upper administration's micromanagement is being misunderstood by lower management and it's only the input from Faculty Senate (shared governance) that is preventing a catastrophe.
"Members of the Southern Miss Faculty Senate said that given the Board Search Committee announced last week to replace the late Clinton Bristow at Alcorn State University, these appointments are no surprise - but they are certainly welcome.
"I'm very pleased, especially about Robin Robinson, who cares very deeply for the University of Southern Mississippi," said Amy Young, who sits on the senate's executive committee.
Thank you for the in depth answer. Maybe, just maybe you will get a fair shake this time around and get a president who will listen, and make good judgements. I certainly hope so.
LVN wrote: hmm, well, for those who are friends of Narnia, perhaps we heard sleigh bells?
Of course, that could just be tinnitus, an affliction that, like presbyopia, often comes with age.
But seriously, I have visited the USM campus several times recently & have sat in offices that might greatly surprise longtime readers of this board. And I do have the feeling that you may be right, LVN. You may be right.
P.S. Rumo(u)rs concerning my death have been greatly exacerbated.
"I used to care, but things have changed." (Bob Dylan)