July 15, 2004 1. Summary Compliance Certification Report due 2. Special Info requested by our staff consultant due
January-February2005 Advisory visit from staff consultant
September 10, 2005 Compliance Certification due
November 7-11, 2005 Off Site Committee Review
3 Months Prior to Site Visit 1. Narrative about QEP to staff consultant 2. Nominees for lead evaluators for QEP and why they are appropriate 3. Agenda for QEP lead evaluations
6 Weeks Prior to Site Visit Quality Enhancement Plan and Focus Report due
Anyone remember this SACS NEWS update from the PUC (posted on p. 35, this site, July 28, by Otherside)... read below the SACS plans.
quote: Originally posted by: Otherside "From today’s President’s Council Meeting: SACS Accreditation Time Schedule July 15, 2004 1. Summary Compliance Certification Report due 2. Special Info requested by our staff consultant due January-February2005 Advisory visit from staff consultant September 10, 2005 Compliance Certification due November 7-11, 2005 Off Site Committee Review 3 Months Prior to Site Visit 1. Narrative about QEP to staff consultant 2. Nominees for lead evaluators for QEP and why they are appropriate 3. Agenda for QEP lead evaluations 6 Weeks Prior to Site Visit Quality Enhancement Plan and Focus Report due March 13- April 28, 2006 On Site Committee Review "
July 15, 2004 1. Summary Compliance Certification Report due 2. Special Info requested by our staff consultant due ------------------------------------------------------
Oops! Seems the July 15, 2004 reports due to SACS did not make it to the USM released timeline of Southern Miss / SACS communication that covers April 1995 - December 6, 2004.
And what is "special info requested by our staff consultant"? Interesting.