Senators had a very positive meeting with Dr. Tom Meredith today. I hope senators share their thoughts with their colleges. Below is a Statement prepared by Senate Officers regarding the meeting:
The University of Southern Mississippi Faculty Senate officers requested that Dr. Thomas Meredith, Commissioner of IHL, meet with members of the Faculty Senate in a private session. We thank Dr. Meredith for arranging his schedule to accommodate today’s conversation with us at this important time in the life of our University.
During our meeting, conversation centered on the plan for the Presidential search that was described by Ms. Ann Mitchell, spokesperson for the Board of Trustees, in yesterday’s Hattiesburg American. Senators asked questions, made comments and offered suggestions.
The Faculty Senate executive committee believes that modifications to the search process that include possibly involving more members of the Search Advisory Committee when candidates are interviewed by the Board are appropriate. We believe changes that assure more involvement of faculty representatives and other representatives of the USM community throughout the search process will enhance the effectiveness of the search by making the process as transparent as possible. We also appreciate the view of the Board of Trustees and Commissioner Meredith that confidentiality of candidates is essential to assuring a sufficient number of well qualified of applications from well qualified candidates.
Our meeting with Commissioner Meredith was cordial, and the atmosphere was positive and forward looking. All faculty senators are encouraged to share their views about the meeting with those faculty members they represent and to invite feedback. Faculty senators look forward to the visit by members of the Board of Trustees search committee to USM which will be an effort to gather information from the USM community about the attributes being sought in the next President of our University.
I've sent the following email to my colleagues in the College of Health - it is a synopsis of my notes from Friday's Faculty Senate meeting:
COH Colleagues:
IHL Commissioner Thomas Meredith met with the Faculty Senate this afternoon to discuss the upcoming presidential search at the University of Southern Mississippi. The following information is taken from my notes; I believe they accurately reflect our meeting with the commissioner. Dr. Meredith spoke to the Senate for about 90 minutes. Faculty Senate President Myron Henry will be preparing an official summary of the meeting for the faculty, but I wanted to share the most salient parts of the meeting with you as soon as possible.
Commissioner Meredith reported that the IHL board had just completed a two-day retreat at which the upcoming searches at Alcorn University and USM were considered. It was his opinion that the two most important responsibilities of the IHL were selecting the commissioner and the presidents of the eight universities. Meredith reviewed the relationship between the commissioner, the IHL Board and the presidents. Previously, the presidents reported to the IHL Board members; since last year the presidents report to the commissioner rather than the board. The IHL board has turned the search process over to the commissioner to run, with the board making the ultimate decision in selecting the new president. Meredith indicated that there are not many searches taking place nationally, so that the pool of candidates should be good.
Dr. Meredith stressed the importance of providing candidates with a confidential search process, saying that the MSU presidential search process resulted in the largest number of sitting presidents applying for the position of any Mississippi presidential search. At this week’s retreat, IHL board president McGee named the IHL search committee comprising five IHL board members, with names to be made public next week. Search activities will commence on November 9, with “listening sessions” taking place on that date on the USM campus. At that time the IHL will solicit input from constituent groups regarding the desired “profile” of the next president. Prior to that date, Meredith will solicit recommendations from constituent groups for members of a “search advisory committee.” The SAC will be named by Meredith from the list of names submitted and will consist of around 20-25 people who will be required to sign a confidentiality pledge.There will be representatives that will include members of the Faculty Senate, SGA, Graduate Student Association, Staff Council, Alumni Association, USM Foundations and the “colleges” (he wasn’t clear about the college representatives). The board has hired a search consultant (whose name will be released next week). The consultant will solicit applicants for the position and will submit all applicants’ materials to the SAC early next year (the consultant will NOT eliminate any applicants). The SAC will be provided with a “safe” room on campus in which to review candidate’s materials. The committee will narrow the candidate pool to approximately 10 names and the consultant will do confidential reference checks on each candidate. The consultant will then provide the information obtained from the reference checks to the SAC and they will then reduce the pool to about 5-7 names. The consultant, the IHL board search committee and a representative of the SAC will then conduct confidential “airport interviews.” (My note: this is the first direct contact the IHL board members have with the candidate pool.) The number of viable candidates will be reduced further to 2-3. Meredith, and the chairs of the IHL and SAC search committees will then visit each candidate’s campus to obtain an idea of the “fit” between the candidate’s campus and USM. The final interviews of the 2-3 candidates will be conducted with the full IHL board and representatives from the SAC. The board will then decide on a “preferred candidate” who will be invited to the USM campus to meet all of the constituent groups, with each constituent group filling out an evaluation form about the candidate. That evening the IHL will either offer the preferred candidate the position or will decide continue the search process (probably bringing the second choice candidate to campus). If the second candidate is not offered the position, the search will be continued.. Dr. Meredith was asked if the search did not result in the hiring of a new president would the current president’s contract be extended. He replied that he did not know, but “probably not.”
Dr. Meredith indicated that he believed the new president would be named in late March so that the new president can be involved in the budget process for the next academic year.
In response to specific questions, Dr. Meredith responded as follows:
Q: During the transition period will the new president be permitted to participate in transition activities?
A: If we can get a new president to come early, Dr. Thames will work well with the new person. Dr. Thames has expressed a willingness for a smooth transition.
Q: Will the board pay more attention to the faculty than last time?
A: There will be strong faculty representation in the search process. You will not see anything like the previous search. I’m putting my word on the line with integrity. This will be a straight up, professionally run shenanigans. No surprises, no games.
Q:What is the role of the Search Advisory Committee during the final interview process. Do they have input?
A: Yes.
Q: Will faculty be outnumbered on the SAC?
A: I can’t comment yet, but on the MSU SAC there was significant faculty representation. This is a new this search there will be a strong faculty voice.
Q: Are there any characteristics for the new president that have already been identified?
A: Yes - the ability to raise money, understand shared governance, be a good speaker.... a person who understands research, ....charismatic.
Q: When will you decide on the Search Advisory Committee and its composition?
A: Sometime in October.... I’ve got my hands full with Alcorn’s search...the listening session there is October 2. I will be more definite soon.
Q: If the current search failed and had to be extended, would the current president’s contract be extended?
A: I don’t know....probably not. But I’m counting on that not happening.
Q: What are your expectations of a new president?
A: Someone who realizes the value of USM, more importantly understands what USM could be...a really fine research institution. You are ready to take off. I want somebody who will say “we can do something here.”
I hope that the information contained here is interesting, enlightening and informative. I’ve tried to be as faithful as possible to what was said at the meeting. If you’d like further clarification about anything, please contact me or one of the other COH senators. Have a nice weekend.
Steve, thanks for a very informative and excellent report. The picture the Commissioner provides of the IHL's new professional approach to academics is lightyears away from the Roy Klumb business model. The light at the end of this tunnel is now very bright.
For those of us who now hold academic positions at other universities, I'd like to thank you for your report and hope that Meredith follows through with what he proposes.
Buh Bye, Shelby
Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but by striking true. Honore de Balzac
Senator Steve Oshrin sent the following message to faculty in the College of Health. Your Senate officers think his message accurately captures our conversation with Commissioner Meredith, and so we asked Steve to permit us to use his message for Senate wide purposes. Steve graciously agreed"