1. Tim Hudson is gone. In private conversations, these are but a few people (outside of SFT) who will claim to have "brought down" the master politico:
Lisa Mader Harold Doty Jack Hanbury Carl Nicholson
There are a few others (these are the biggest). Thanks ntsft.
2. Word from the dome is that LSM holds a position of power unlike any other deputy in the past two years of the Thames regime. insider notes that she now occupies the highest policy-level seat in the crew.
3. Tales spreading now that HD believes his "recent service" to SFT may win him the Interim Provost position. Others report that SFT considers him "a pawn" whose usefulness has "diminished." KM is also advising against any "reward" for HD. We'll see; word on the street still has Pood in the Interim Provost slot as of today. Thanks grapevine, gorod, and compaq.
4. What does TH's departure mean for faculty? Not much. ntsft notes that TH rarely spoke for faculty in private meetings earlier on in the administration's tenure.
5. Quick word on several celebrations. RK, RG and SR are said to be ecstatic about TH's departure, and SFT is planning a "small Jamestown gathering" this weekend or next to "cheer" on the new era.
quote: Originally posted by: gurunuburg "5. Quick word on several celebrations. RK, RG and SR are said to be ecstatic about TH's departure, and SFT is planning a "small Jamestown gathering" this weekend or next to "cheer" on the new era. "
RK = Roy Klumb
SR = Scott Ross
RG = Richard Giannini? (At first I thought it might be Ricki Garrett, but she rotated off the Board. Why would Giannini be celebrating TH's departure? I don't get the connection or the reason for the interest.)
quote: Originally posted by: gurunuburg "2. Word from the dome is that LSM holds a position of power unlike any other deputy in the past two years of the Thames regime. insider notes that she now occupies the highest policy-level seat in the crew. "
This is not true. The board has been told, albeit cryptically, multiple times where the brains in this outfit currently reside. Chief internal contender for the top slot in two years is not a woman nor is it any of the expendable pawns. Very much on the team right up until he won't be on the team. I don't expect to be around to see it but I do think it will be a thing of beauty when it happens. A true master. Not neccessarily my vision for USM but that is frankly irrelevent.
First, RG was a mis-type. It should have been AW instead. Sorry about that one. To Intelligencer, the mill was not speaking about any official policy post or position that LSM now holds or will hold in the future. The mill simply indicated that LSM has the president's ear now unlike she ever has before. Thank you.
Originally posted by: Intelligencer "This is not true. The board has been told, albeit cryptically, multiple times where the brains in this outfit currently reside. Chief internal contender for the top slot in two years is not a woman nor is it any of the expendable pawns. Very much on the team right up until he won't be on the team. I don't expect to be around to see it but I do think it will be a thing of beauty when it happens. A true master. Not neccessarily my vision for USM but that is frankly irrelevent."
Intelligencer - You're pretty cryptic yourself.....can you give us some hints on just who this person is? NO Quarter! P.S. Hey are you really Chess posting under a new name?