After all this talk of Shelby's intention of making USM "world-class," I decided to do a search on my favorite website,, to find out just what we are talking about:
And I quote:
world-class (wûrldkls) adj.
Ranking among the foremost in the world; of an international standard of excellence; of the highest order: a world-class figure skater.
Great, as in importance, concern, or notoriety.
If Shelby is using definition 2 (with emphasis on notoriety), then I will have to concede, unfortunately, that perhaps he is on his way to creating a "worl'-class" university on Hardy Street.
USM alumnus Jimmy Buffett once said that Margaritaville was "wherever you want it to be." I think "world-class" is a Margaritaville type concept. It's whatever you want it to be.
I am world-class. I'm just not going to tell you what class it is. Believe me, you do not want to know!
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus "USM alumnus Jimmy Buffett once said that Margaritaville was "wherever you want it to be." I think "world-class" is a Margaritaville type concept. It's whatever you want it to be. I am world-class. I'm just not going to tell you what class it is. Believe me, you do not want to know! "
Funny Jimmy Buffett story: a friend of mine who once worked in the USM Alumni Office told me that JB only ever wrote one check to the USM Alumni Association...and it bounced. She said that they had it framed in the office, but I don't know if that's true. Can anyone confirm?
can i tell you Jimmy Buffett stories. saw him in concert here in '81. heard lots of stories about why he won't give money. but that's another message board.
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus "USM alumnus Jimmy Buffett once said that Margaritaville was "wherever you want it to be." I think "world-class" is a Margaritaville type concept. It's whatever you want it to be. I am world-class. I'm just not going to tell you what class it is. Believe me, you do not want to know! "
I've been known to refer to people as world-class jerks or world-class (stinky, note the emoticon use).
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man "can i tell you Jimmy Buffett stories. saw him in concert here in '81. heard lots of stories about why he won't give money. but that's another message board."
Just curious, does Shelboo even know who Buffett is?
quote: Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH "Funny Jimmy Buffett story: a friend of mine who once worked in the USM Alumni Office told me that JB only ever wrote one check to the USM Alumni Association...and it bounced. She said that they had it framed in the office, but I don't know if that's true. Can anyone confirm?"
This past weekend I went to a thingamajig where there were quite a few Jimmy Buffet fans (there was a Margaritaville-type band there playing only Buffet-like music). When some of them discovered my USM connection, they pointed out the USM-Buffet connection. They said that Jimmy attended USM, but did not graduate. I do not know whether or not that is correct, but if he did not graduate that might explain why he might not be a contributor to the Alumni fund.
quote: Originally posted by: stinky cheese man " . . .can i tell you Jimmy Buffett stories. saw him in concert here in '81"
I was at a Jimmy Buffet affair a couple of years ago. Parrotheads running all over the place. At one point I was actually riding up the elevator with Jimmy. Had I known there was a question as to whether he actually graduated from USM, I would have asked him (since I had him as captive audience on the elevator at that time). I don't think I would have asked him about that alleged bounced check to which truth4usm referred, however.
In Jimmy Buffet's autobiography, A Pirate Looks at 50, there is a good recounting of his USM days. He did graduate from USM. According to his website, he got a degree in history in 1969.
OK, here's my off-off topic question for the day - parents only need respond.
When singing Jimmy Buffet car tunes with your kids, how do/did you change the words to "let's get drunk and ..." - ours (which we sang very loud and slightly off tune to make sure the kids heard us and not the real thing) was "and don't get drunk in school"
Originally posted by: Parrot Parent "OK, here's my off-off topic question for the day - parents only need respond. When singing Jimmy Buffet car tunes with your kids, how do/did you change the words to "let's get drunk and ..." - ours (which we sang very loud and slightly off tune to make sure the kids heard us and not the real thing) was "and don't get drunk in school""
...That's easy. I press the FF button on the cd player.
RE: RE: RE: Maybe Shelby's right about "world-clas
Theorem: Of course USM is "World Class" and SFT has made her "World Class".
Proof: Can you name another university in the world that is run the way USM is being run? Therefore USM is the only university in the world to run this way. "WORLD CLASS"!! QED