The meeting room has changed. Friday's meeting will be in the Thad Cochran Center, room 216. __________________________________________________________________________________
The University of Southern Mississippi Faculty Senate Meeting September 8, 2006 Thad Cochran Center (TCC) Room 216 2:00 p.m.
1.0 Call to order
2.0 Approval of agenda
3.0 Forum: Fred Varnado, Director of Office of Non-Credit Programming (fifteen minutes)
4.0 Approval of past minutes
5.0 Officers' Reports 5.1 President 5.1.1 Welcome 5.1.2 Summary of Retreat (plaque for Dr. Tom Rhea Phillips) 5.1.3 Letters Day Awards sponsored by the Faculty Senate and the Office of the President 5.1.4 Shared Governance Document Update 5.1.5 Outsourcing: A reaffirmation of the Senate's June 9 statement with a lead in paragraph
5.2 President-Elect 5.2.1 Email Policy
5.3 Secretary 5.3.1 Committee Sign-up Sheets
5.4 Secretary-Elect
6.0 Discussion Items 6.1 Ad Astra: Letter to Provost 6.2 Personnel Spreadsheet (profit-loss) 6.3 Promotion and Tenure (un-written criteria) 6.4 Pre-tenure Review (third year review) 6.5 Faculty Handbook/Section 2.2/Salary Appeals 6.6 Teaching Load Policy: edition five 6.7 Graduate Assistants: the next part of the Provost's plan for "allocation" 6.8 SACS Draft Letter on Shared Governance 6.9 CFO and Library Director Search
7.0 New Business
7.1 A statement that features a "bundling" of some or all of the issues from 6.1 through 6.7??? 7.2 IHL Commissioner’s visit to a special September 22 Faculty Senate meeting (discussion and questions) 7.3 Reaffimation of June 9 statement on outsourcing.
8.0 Committee Reports and Signups 8.1 Elections (report) 8.2 Academic and Governance 8.3 Administration and Faculty Evaluations 8.4 Awards 8.5 Budget 8.6 Constitution and Bylaws 8.7 Faculty Welfare 8.8 Government Relations 8.9 Technology 8.10 Ad hoc committee reports and liaison reports 8.10.1 President’s Council (need to elect representatives) 8.10.2 AAUP (Mitch Berman) 8.10.3 Facility Management Planning Committee 8.10.4 Alternative Learning Committee 8.10.5 Distance Education Committee 8.10.6 Faculty Handbook Committee
Your officers are hoping you agree that sharing a brief sketch of our meetings shortly after they occur would help us inform the faculty we represent about important issues we are considering on their behalf. In this spirit, we ask that you forward over your department listserves the message that follows. Thanks.
Your officers
Myron Henry (Mathematics), president Stephen Judd (Theatre), president-elect Mary Beth Applin (Libraries), secretary Amy Young (secretary-elect)
The Faculty Senate introduced a minor change and then endorsed the shared governance document that had been negotiated among members of the Provost appointed shared governance document committee. In a related matter, the Faculty Senate decided not to communicate directly with SACS staff on the matter of shared governance at this time due in part to the progress that has been made on the shared governance document. The Faculty Senate president will report to the Faculty Senate at its specially scheduled meeting of September 22 on whether the shared governance document it endorsed has become the shared governance document of the university for inclusion in the Faculty Handbook.
The Faculty Senate took strong exception to the profit and loss spreadsheet, and by unanimous vote directed the Faculty Senate executive officers to compose a letter to President Thames and Provost Grimes expressing concern about the spreadsheet and "unwritten" and "imposed" promotion and tenure criteria, as well as third-year review.
Senators expressed serious concern about Ad Astra (and the entire process for scheduling classes this fall), the lack of offices for faculty on the Gulf Coast, and the next stage of the GA allocation plan. Sentiment was also expressed about the need to initiate the search for a new Director of Libraries soon rather than wait until next year.
The most recent version of the teaching load "guidelines" (in contrast to "policy") were endorsed by the Senate.
If there are questions, please contact your senator or one of the officers of the Senate.