Week 1 in the CBED without e-mail. Barry Manilow is writing a song about it now, with the last line something to the effect: "...and when will the CBED have e-mail again? Again,,,again, again yeaaahhhhhh ....."
"...we started an e-mail, whose end must noooow waaaait, and tell me, when will our server work, when can I write to you, and when will this stroong yeaarrrrnin' end, and wheeeen will the CBEEEEEED, have e-mail again?"
Thanks tomcat and barry, now I have that song ringing in my head all day. Actually, the CBED server has always gone down after lunch on Friday and come back up on Monday morning. The spoof song I heard someone sing in the CBED is that "...the Internet is workin' for the weekend.."