1. according to baller, yesterday's article on the negotiations between Jeff B and Richard G/SFT highlights the situation. SFT & Co are being sneaky, and JB is having none of it. Article describes the kinds of devious behavior RG better get used to exhibiting if he is going to remain a loyal USM employee. Thanks baller.
2. This could be merit raise week. Everyone's on pins and needles waiting for word. The mill have been getting mixed reports on what's likely to happen. Hopefully this will be a more fruitful week in terms of information.
3. More stories circulating about replacements for TH in the Provost's seat. There is still alot of info indicating that Elliot P will ascend, though word now is that HD from the CBED is lobbying hard "for the chance." Right now, the following seems to be a rank ordering of the possible outcome:
1. Pood 2. Burge 3. Doty 4. Moore 5. Malone
Thanks gorod, grapevine, artsy and ntsft for helping put this together.
quote: Originally posted by: gurunuburg "3. More stories circulating about replacements for TH in the Provost's seat. There is still alot of info indicating that Elliot P will ascend "
It's the plan...which is very interesting because at one time (long ago and far away) it was also the plan if TH ascended.
You have to be kidding! Who in their right mind would consider an associate professor from a school best known for its basketball team as provost. Hasn't HD made enough of a mess in CBED?
quote: Originally posted by: gurunuburg "
3. More stories circulating about replacements for TH in the Provost's seat. There is still alot of info indicating that Elliot P will ascend, though word now is that HD from the CBED is lobbying hard "for the chance." Right now, the following seems to be a rank ordering of the possible outcome: 1. Pood 2. Burge 3. Doty 4. Moore 5. Malone Thanks gorod, grapevine, artsy and ntsft for helping put this together. "
A previous reviewer indicates that Doty would not be a good candidate for the Provost position because he has thoroughly screwed up the CBED. I do agree completely that CBED is now much worse off than when Doty got here. For someone whose area of expertise (and I use the term very loosely) deals with managing people and issues such as motivation, Doty does not seem to have a clue about how to manage people. Or an alternative explanation, he simply views this as a stepping stone to his next higher job for which he is not qualified (the "Peter Principle" in action)and he simply does not care about the people in CBED. To assume that Doty would not be picked because he is incompetent flies in the face of past experience at USM (e.g., our former VP of Research and others). It would not surprise me for him to take the job if offered. The intertesting question - who would then become Dean of the CBED?
quote: Originally posted by: Invictus " What about the <GASP> possibility that the next provost might be someone who is not currently employed at the University of Southern Mississippi? "
That would be very cool. Unfortunately, it is neither the "plan" nor the "promise". But maybe there is a stronger force of reason that could descend upon Shelby.
"For someone whose area of expertise (and I use the term very loosely) deals with managing people and issues such as motivation, Doty does not seem to have a clue about how to manage people. "
Well, what about the Poodster? His area is supposed to be "conflict management," but all our experience with him so far suggests that he is fit only to exacerbate conflict. So... this particular criterion is not likely to be a major factor in the decision. Hudson had no credentials to be provost, and the next one won't, either. It's all about who will carry out Shelboo's next cockamamie scheme without question.
quote: Originally posted by: CBED "You have to be kidding! Who in their right mind would consider an associate professor from a school best known for its basketball team as provost. Hasn't HD made enough of a mess in CBED?"
Hey guys, don't knock the Orangemen! SU is a good school, and it dominates lacrosse much more than basketball.
All you guys need to give Doty a break. In a few more days, the CBED will have e-mail. He's getting so much done, and he's only been around a year. He needs to be put in charge of a whole country. USM and the CBED are just lucky to have him.
quote: Originally posted by: CBEDcolonoscopy "All you guys need to give Doty a break. In a few more days, the CBED will have e-mail. He's getting so much done, and he's only been around a year. He needs to be put in charge of a whole country. USM and the CBED are just lucky to have him. "
Give Doty a break! The one behind all the trouble in CBED is none other than Farhang Niroomand. Many people blamed problems in CBED on Gunther, but most do not realize that Farhang has been associate dean during this time, and has been "running the college" all this time. After all, Gunther was out raising external funds for the new CBA building. This is private insider information and only to be given out on a need to know basis. FH may have more skeletens in his closet than TH. Check it out. Is the real problem TH, HD or really Niroomand? Unfortunately, this may only be discovered when and if TH and HD leave(two decent men) and leave FN and SFT(both with similar management styles} in charge. Goodbye CBED........
Trying to clean HD's high water pants by blaming the associate dean just doesn't work. HD got here and left the college in the able hands of the same good old boys who have been running it into the ground form more than a decade. He still doesn't know his faculty and can't admit a mistake. If FN is the problem, you have to conclude that HD is so stupid he can't figure it out or he doesn't know what he's doing or he doesn't care or both. A year later, the situation in CBED is worse than it's ever been. At some point the man who says he's in charge has to take responsibility. HD's version of responsibility is "I'm working on it." While he works on it, faculty are publicly and privately going to AACSB to complain.
quote: Originally posted by: CBED HUNTER " Give Doty a break! The one behind all the trouble in CBED is none other than Farhang Niroomand. Many people blamed problems in CBED on Gunther, but most do not realize that Farhang has been associate dean during this time, and has been "running the college" all this time. After all, Gunther was out raising external funds for the new CBA building. This is private insider information and only to be given out on a need to know basis. FH may have more skeletens in his closet than TH. Check it out. Is the real problem TH, HD or really Niroomand? Unfortunately, this may only be discovered when and if TH and HD leave(two decent men) and leave FN and SFT(both with similar management styles} in charge. Goodbye CBED........
The poster who pointed out that it's hard to imagine that HD is in management had it right own. His management skills are about as polished as a caveman's table manners. The person above who said that he's a year into his tenure now and that the college is as bad as it's ever been is also on the mark. The college is crumbling. One has to wonder what El Dean is thinking about.
quote: Originally posted by: CBEDcolonoscopy "The poster who pointed out that it's hard to imagine that HD is in management had it right own. His management skills are about as polished as a caveman's table manners. The person above who said that he's a year into his tenure now and that the college is as bad as it's ever been is also on the mark. The college is crumbling. One has to wonder what El Dean is thinking about."
In all fairness, it must be difficult to be a dean or assistant dean at USM right now. Is Dean Doty 100% responsible for the perceived deterioration of CBED, or are there other factors at play?