Something doesn't add up here. Given that Ole Miss has the medical center, there is no way that USM does the same amount of funded research. In the past, the difference between the two schools in external funding was $30-$40 million. Suddenly USM reports the same funding level as Ole Miss and a near 50% increase over previous years when the funding in the USM College of Science barely moved. What happened?
LVN wrote: $100M is not very much money for a medical school/research center. I too think the numbers are very awry.
Actually it is even more dismal - 30 million for the Med Center. About the same number as 15 years ago. Remember that once UMMC was considered to be ahead of UAB MC and LSU MS
For comparison consider NIH funding in 2005
UMMC - just over 14,000,000
UAB Med Center - just over 228,000,000
LSU Med School - about $58,000,000 )ver 100 million counting main campus)
tulane hospital - about 50,000,000
In the Northeast and California the really big name med centers are $500,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 just from the NIH
WKU Receives Record $14.5 Million In Cash Gifts; Wins Kentucky Challenge For Second Straight Year Western Kentucky University celebrated another record-breaking year fund raising, as it surpassed for the first time the $14 million mark in annual cash gift deposits. According to Tom Hiles, WKU’s vice president for Institutional Advancement, an unprecedented $14.5 million in cash gifts were made in fiscal year 2005-2006.
Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad. ~P.D. East