Renee Falconer left the dept. this summer and went to the university in Virginia where her husband is teaching.
Margaret Mary Sulentic has joined the faculty at LSU as an Assistant Professor in C & I (they've renamed the dept. - I'll find out the details later).
Eric Luce has joined the faculty at the University of Arkansas Fort Smith. He has taken a position as an Associate Professor in the College of Education. He is the Director of Secondary Education and Assessment. I have heard that they are thrilled to have him. Although UA- Fort Smith passed NCATE last year (with exemplary notations), they are obviously quite serious about staying on top of the accreditation game. Hiring Eric was a great move on their part.
Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but by striking true. Honore de Balzac
Renee is at George Mason University. Her area of expertise was centered on Early Childhood Education. I have heard that the Dept. found a replacement for her. I think that the replacement has not attained a doctoral degree.
Margaret Mary Sulentic is a member of the newly formed Dept. of Educational Theory, Policies, and Practices (they joined CIS with Ed Leadership). The days of the USM CISE chair's days as a doctoral student there at LSU continue to entertain the faculty since she stood out by virtue of her father's generosity (more power to her I guess). Draw your own conclusions.
Eric Luce. He's making lots more money, and his ideas are valued.
There you have it. Over and out.
Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but by striking true. Honore de Balzac