I like to remember the Night Chalker, On the bus, Judge Cooley, Webster, how everyone banded together to listen to the hearing, the real and virtual friendships that have been made on this board...
My hopes for this board are that it will live on as a testimony to all of the good things that came out of a very horrible time in the life of my alma mater, the University of Southern Mississippi.
I look forward to hearing from Stephen Judd, Jamela Lares and others when the fall semester starts back up...we need you!
Hello from England where I'm teaching British Studies. I'm reading the board as I can, and thinking of many of you, including Truth of course. I'm sorry that I'll miss David Johnson's visit. (Heck, I'm sorry that I'm missing air conditioning, as it's quite warm here.)
Today we visited the British Library, and I was happy to see so many students having epiphanies as they saw, for instance, the sole copy of Beowulf, the earliest complete Bible, and Lewis Carroll's original manuscript of Alice's Adventures Under Ground, not to mention one of the several copies of the Magna Carta, or of the Shakespeare First folio, or of the Gutenberg [42-line] Bible.
Thanks, Jameela, for always being a true board friend (and real life friend!), and for reminding us of the true purpose of a university...teaching, learning, and researching in ways that are exciting, productive and, sometimes, life-altering!
Wish we could send some air-conditioning your way,
After viewing the sole copy of Beowulf, I assume that everyone left the library and retired to the Meade hall for many a pint. The longest semester of college was the two years that it took me to read Beowulf. That said, it made reading everything else much easier.