Since this is a slack weekend for the board, I propose a new board game, to be played with vigor commencing next week. Each poster will be responsible for initiating a thread on any topic, whether it be germane to USM or not. Then we'll monitor how many posts are made on the original topic before the thread is hijacked by the CoB. Based on recent experience, it shouldn't take more than three comments on any topic before the thread morphs into a CoB issue of some sort. At weeks end, the individual who initiated the most hijack-resistant thread will be declared the winnah and presented with a certificate suitable for framing. Got it? Now let the games begin!
This is a huge insult to the dedicated, hardworking, administrator abused, non-rentseeking PEERS evading, white knight cobmob. How dare you insult us by minimizing the horrible conditions created by those who don't understand that we are the best researchers in the university. We are the only people in the COB who are not corrupt. If you don't agree with us you are corrupt. You must be a Dotyite! And don't you dare bring up that dog thing again.
Just for the record, threads regarding church and the existence of a deity have proved to be resistant to hijacking, so why don't we ban those as topics. Anyway, Atheist and I need our rest.
Just for the record, threads regarding church and the existence of a deity have proved to be resistant to hijacking, so why don't we ban those as topics. Anyway, Atheist and I need our rest.
Agreed LVN. Warning: I've been studying the CoB B.S. and feel I may have a lot to say about it.
Do any posters have an insight to how the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah will be resolved? There are mixed signals being sent from some other major players in the Middle East, and the US has been fairly non committal except for stating that Israel has the right to defend itself. I do not see the past flare ups providing much guidance on the current situation.
Do any posters have an insight to how the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah will be resolved? There are mixed signals being sent from some other major players in the Middle East, and the US has been fairly non committal except for stating that Israel has the right to defend itself. I do not see the past flare ups providing much guidance on the current situation.
Well, if President Bush's comment to Prime Minister Blair were any indication then Hezbollah should just stop this s***.
Well, if President Bush's comment to Prime Minister Blair were any indication then Hezbollah should just stop this s***. Now that it a statement that is not difficult to interpret.
I found it difficult to interpret b/c he was chomping on food while talking. Good thing there were subtitles on the video I saw.