1. Some sketchy stories coming from the dome indicate that the "real list" of MIDAS recipients is a little longer than the one presented to the media. Also, we hear that people would be shocked about "where" some of the money for the checks came from. Thanks ntsft (we look forward to more later).
2. mclubber reported earlier that an anti-Bower letter-writing campaign would begin soon (sorry, past mills stories pushed this one back too far down the line). From the looks of the HA in the last week, looks like this has begun. gorod reports that Mader & Co. helped with the research for the templates (did you notice how well-researched today's letter was?). Thanks gorod and mclubber.
3. There is a growing story that some IHL boarders are amused by TH's lack of ability to get any sort of presidency invitation. Seems his "run" is all but over with some board members. Thanks joneser.
4. It's possible that the Varsity Voice may exist as an online paper (only). Sources tell us that some iTech employees may be given the task of getting the issues up and looking good. This plan would save on many of the expenses of running a traditional paper. Thanks grapevine.
5. Continue to get reports about enrollment. grapevine sent me a packet containing some PREVIEW data (with comparisons). Despite what some are saying, things don't look very good this year. gorod reports that the final previews could be large, after the "open admissions rush kicks in."