"We're developing a new student out there who has triple capabilities," said Lou Marciani, director of the University of Southern Mississippi's school of human performance and recreation.
This fall, USM will be the first university in the nation to offer degrees in sports and high performance materials, a hybrid program involving polymers and the human body, he said."
Colleges starting to offer new degrees USM's new sports major one of many alternatives availableBy Richard Lakehttp://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060709/NEWS/607090396/1002/news "We're developing a new student out there who has triple capabilities," said Lou Marciani, director of the University of Southern Mississippi's school of human performance and recreation. This fall, USM will be the first university in the nation to offer degrees in sports and high performance materials, a hybrid program involving polymers and the human body, he said."
These data raise two obvious questions. In a time of tight budgets, shrinking revenue, faculty attrition and falling enrollment, why is USM adding as many new programs in one year as all the other seven state universities combined? Do we know something that others don't know?
Secondly, if this new plastics and sports program is such a brilliant idea, how is it that a fourth tier university can figure that out, when not one university in America, including the great ones, has developed such a program? When you have to hire your own master's students to cover your undergraduate classes, there may be a message there.
"This fall, USM will be the first university in the nation to offer degrees in . . ."
Ever since I have been affiliated with USM, the university has proclaimed itself to be the first in this or that; or the only program in this or that. I wonder if it ever occurs to those who write the script that there must be a reason why other universities don't want those programs?
When you are first to have a program and the only "university" on the planet with that program, you can make the quality as low as you like and still be "world class".
"...This fall, USM will be the first university in the nation to offer degrees in sports and high performance materials, a hybrid program involving polymers and the human body, he said."
I don't intend any disrespect to those who may be involved, but is this a joke?
Dazed and Confused wrote: Reporter wrote: "...This fall, USM will be the first university in the nation to offer degrees in sports and high performance materials, a hybrid program involving polymers and the human body, he said." I don't intend any disrespect to those who may be involved, but is this a joke?
I was at the Graduate Council meeting at which the principals involved with the masters and doc versions of this informed the council that the proposal for this program was submitted for IHL consideration BEFORE all college curriculum committees had approved it and BEFORE it was reviewed by the Graduate Council. The excuse for this was that students were just chomping at the bit to partake of this program, and, heck, we don't want to lose students, do we? Sad.