quote: Originally posted by: hot link "I can make it hot (it is that little link of chain up there under the font size, BTW) but I can't give you access to a subscriber only site. Sorry. hot link"
Here is the title of the article. Somebody tell us something about the content. The online edition of the Chronicle is for only for those who subscribe.
It is a well written letter and it clearly describes the situation at USM.
As a faculty member at MSU, I strongly disagree with the assertion that other institutions in the state are poor choices for new faculty. MSU's administration is progressive and responsive to its faculty.
The IHL is ineffective, but Klumb and his cronies do not appear to have enough votes on the board to enact any state-wide roll back in tenure. I personally agree with the concept of tenure review, provided it is applied in a rational and fair manner (as it is at MSU).
I have to delete the full text of the Chronicle letter above as it is an infringement on copyright laws. However, I'm working on getting authorized links to the letter and to the piece about Gary Stringer taking the job at Texas A&M. Will keep you posted.
Out of concern for the AAUP over potential copyright issues, I will try to paraphrase the letter from John Ower, Associate Professor Emeritus of English, University of South Carolina.
Prof. Ower, who has now retired to Hattiesburg, concludes that Mississippi is "no place to pursue an academic career" due to: A.(1) the lack of tenure-based protection, (2) vague "terms for dismissal," (3) potential for administrative abuse; and B.(1) the ultraconservative philosophy of powerbrokers, and (2) the current financial crisis in state government.
PS. It baffles me that they will let a subscriber e-mail the text of the article to anyone, but not post it to a board such as this one. Oh well, better safe than sorry.
quote: Originally posted by: Flash Gordon "Maybe that will wake up the State and Ole Miss supporters who have demonstrated little concern to date."
At one point, in view of the callous abuse of Gary Stringer and Frank Glamser at the university level, I though the University of Southern Mississippi should be censured by AAUP. My opinion has changed somewhat. I now believe the entire Mississippi university system should be censured - because of IHL's role in the matter.
Originally posted by: Palindrome "It is a well written letter and it clearly describes the situation at USM. As a faculty member at MSU, I strongly disagree with the assertion that other institutions in the state are poor choices for new faculty. MSU's administration is progressive and responsive to its faculty. The IHL is ineffective, but Klumb and his cronies do not appear to have enough votes on the board to enact any state-wide roll back in tenure. I personally agree with the concept of tenure review, provided it is applied in a rational and fair manner (as it is at MSU)."
Things may be OK at MSU now, but the system depends upon "good people" being in place in order to preserve some basic academic integrity. As soon as you get a Thames for president there will be nothing to stop him - that's why the whole state system is broken, corrupt, out-of-date, and so on. Can we seriously assure a new faculty member that if they spend their entire career (30+ years) in this state the system will protect them and nourish their careers? Not on your life. Just as Gary and Frank.
quote: Originally posted by: Flash Gordon "Maybe that will wake up the State and Ole Miss supporters who have demonstrated little concern to date."
You are incorrect. Most faculty members around the state sympathise with your plight; Many read this board. I know that most are dismayed by the IHL, but the IHL has very little day-to-day impact on our individual universities.
You (the USM faculty and staff) are at the mercy of a tin-pot dictator. The lack of support/remedy by the IHL is scandelous, but there is little that MSU or Ole Miss can do for you other than to lend our moral support.
quote: Originally posted by: webmaster "I have to delete the full text of the Chronicle letter above as it is an infringement on copyright laws. However, I'm working on getting authorized links to the letter and to the piece about Gary Stringer taking the job at Texas A&M. Will keep you posted. "
I didn't realize I couldn't post the text of the letter. Sorry.
I'm delighted to hear that the Chronicle did an article on Gary Stringer going to Texas; I had written to them several weeks and urged them to do that, but I hadn't heard anything from them. Is the article in the column that usually appears on page 3? Can anyone describe it?
The more SFT is made a national embarrassment to USM and the whole state, the sooner he will be gone.
quote: Originally posted by: USM Sympathizer "I'm delighted to hear that the Chronicle did an article on Gary Stringer going to Texas; I had written to them several weeks and urged them to do that, but I hadn't heard anything from them. Is the article in the column that usually appears on page 3? Can anyone describe it? The more SFT is made a national embarrassment to USM and the whole state, the sooner he will be gone."
It's a short piece in their "Peer Review" section. Just saying that Gary and Mary Ann are going to TAMU and Gary's taking his NEH grant with him. Also, it mentions that Angie's been demoted (promoted?) to Pres. of USM Research Foundation.
You (the USM faculty and staff) are at the mercy of a tin-pot dictator. The lack of support/remedy by the IHL is scandelous, but there is little that MSU or Ole Miss can do for you other than to lend our moral support."
There are many members of the board with strong ties to State or Ole Miss who could have been influenced to do the right thing if their constituents had suggested it.
quote: Originally posted by: truth4usm/AH "It's a short piece in their "Peer Review" section. Just saying that Gary and Mary Ann are going to TAMU and Gary's taking his NEH grant with him. Also, it mentions that Angie's been demoted (promoted?) to Pres. of USM Research Foundation."
Great! That's the section I was thinking of -- glad to know the folks at the Chronicle actually read their e-mail and sometimes take friendly suggestions! By the way, the latest mentions in the Chronicle should be passed on to the IHL (I will be glad to do this when I see the articles) and might also make good topics for letters to the HA and even the CL. People in Hattiesburg and throughout the state need to know the kind of national reputation they are being given through the good offices of people like SFT and Roy Klumb. I would write a letter myself to the HA, but I recently had one printed by them and they might not welcome another one from me.
quote: Originally posted by: Ochs's Ghost " To the victor goes the ashes of the spoils."
USM has the potential to re-build quickly after SFT is gone; it has no potential to re-build if he stays. Ironically, in the post-Thames era, USM has the potential to be a much stronger school than it was even before his ill-fated reign, because (with any luck) some very valuable lessons will have been learned by all concerned. The next president of USM will have the advantage of being able to un-do all the ill effects that Shelby has visited on the school and thus has the potential to be one of the best-loved figures in the history of the institution, if s/he plays his or her cards right.