Just getting there and back is about $2,500, so he's using up the travel budget of the Tourism Management department doing whatever he's doing there. Not counting lodging, food, etc.
The Academy of International Business (AIB) is holding its annual meeting in Beijing, which is why Doty is in China. Strangely enough, his vita doesn't list International Management as a specialty, nor does his vita show any evidence of research in the areas of International Business or International Management.
Sounds like a way to spend some of his "booze account" money on a vacation to an exotic destination.
Just getting there and back is about $2,500, so he's using up the travel budget of the Tourism Management department doing whatever he's doing there. Not counting lodging, food, etc.
Just estimating Doty's travel voucher (6 nights in Beijing) based on info from the website:
$5,000 to go to a conference?!?!?!? Here in CoAL, we'd love to have some of that money. My department can't even keep our phones and copiers going all year without interruption.
Sorry, RMPM, the tab is now $10,000 since it's Doty et al and not just Doty. Word not in yet whether it is state E&G dollars or fun money or some combination of the two. No one understands why they are even there.
If you go to the organization's page you will see a link to registered people. Doty and Niroomand are the only people from the state of MS over there, and they are 2 of 3 from the states of LA, MS and AL combined. None of it makes any sense.
Now, here is the traditional Chinese version returned to English. It's almost best to see it this way (in English). If we can keep running this thing through the hopper we might figure just how bad this guy Doty is.
... State budget process. The pleasure money is the private money. When I am in uh in south young lady, I have condition US dollar and I to have foundation US dollar. It is true easily separately to tell them. I tell the person which I has two check books. I have my "booze account" and my "booze must to think. "does not have the condition money, I am equal am constrained can do in any me. For example, I have difficulty time running condition E&G US dollar to supplement the teachers and administrators salary. Foundation US dollar, that is I adopts the money in mine "outside the booze account," I possibly nearly am any me to have by it.
printers devil wrote: ihl has to sign off on int'l travel
assume it would have been in board minutes prior to take off, sounds like fun money on this one
Whether or not state money or foundation money was used to pay for this trip, the bottom line is that the faculty in the CoB are now approximately $5,000 poorer because Doty decided to take a trip to China under the guise of going to a meeting that he has no real business going to.
Short answer is "no." The long answer is "no" because there is no IB faculty left in the CoB after Tang left. Not that it matters. The CoB has never funded the request of an IB faculty to attend this meeting in the past.
This thing is mind boggling, even to a former administrator. Didn't they bring candidates to campus already? Now I hear they are over there trying to interview people who haven't even applied for the IB position.
This thing is mind boggling, even to a former administrator. Didn't they bring candidates to campus already? Now I hear they are over there trying to interview people who haven't even applied for the IB position.
Are you saying that this trip is part of a search? Since when do Deans take such an active role in recruiting faculty? Does HD attend all disciplines' job market meetings, or is this a special case?
I am not familiar with Deans conducting conference interviews out of discipline, at least not a relatively large schools. One problem they are having is inability to pay a market rate. I am guessing that we are at least $15K below market in IB by now. That could be alleviated with the Kaetsu professor, but it is my understanding that the Dean moved that chair out of the department. We never allowed that sort of thing to happen, even though there were people constantly pressuring to move the McCarty chair into marketing. Donors stipulate where these monies are supposed to go. Moving that chair was not a good decision in my view. It may come back to bite later on.
I am not familiar with Deans conducting conference interviews out of discipline, at least not a relatively large schools. One problem they are having is inability to pay a market rate. I am guessing that we are at least $15K below market in IB by now. That could be alleviated with the Kaetsu professor, but it is my understanding that the Dean moved that chair out of the department. We never allowed that sort of thing to happen, even though there were people constantly pressuring to move the McCarty chair into marketing. Donors stipulate where these monies are supposed to go. Moving that chair was not a good decision in my view. It may come back to bite later on.
Wait, wait, wait.
So am I to understand that HD is personally interviewing candidates at this meeting? And it's not even his discipline? This seems highly irregular to me. Also, who holds this Kaetsu chair now if it's not held by a member of the IB department?
I don't know if Doty is personally conducting interviews himself. He did accompany the associate dean to the meetings to assist with the search. I was told this past weekend about these plans, and that the departmental search team is none too happy to be left out of this process. As one of my former associates used to say, "I've done my bit" already. I hope this works out.
As for the Kaetsu chair, I believe it is now Williams' from marketing, but I have seen nothing official across my desk about that. Like I said before, we resisted reallocations of chairs in the past, at least when it came to different departments as in the current case.
I don't know if Doty is personally conducting interviews himself. He did accompany the associate dean to the meetings to assist with the search. I was told this past weekend about these plans, and that the departmental search team is none too happy to be left out of this process. As one of my former associates used to say, "I've done my bit" already. I hope this works out.
This deal seems pretty blatant to me. Given the state of financial resources at USM, I can't see how anybody could justify HD's trip to Beijing. If it's true that the associate dean teaches and does international business research, then I can see sending him to go recruit, since he's established in the literature for international business. This whole deal is bad. I wonder what candidate would want to go to a school where the dean micromanages things like HD does (case in point)?
As for the Kaetsu chair, I believe it is now Williams' from marketing, but I have seen nothing official across my desk about that. Like I said before, we resisted reallocations of chairs in the past, at least when it came to different departments as in the current case.
Isn't Williams a former administrator? So Doty's now taking chairs from one department to give to another department as a reward to a former administrator? Does Williams teach any international business courses or do international business research?
I have to wonder what the real participants at this meeting in China think about HD's attendance. I'm sure a few may know him, but I'd bet that most have no idea who he is. From what's been posted here, he also doesn't know anything about international business, and he's there to micromanage a hire. If I were a candidate, these red flags would encourage me to look elsewhere.
I don't have enough details about Doty's participation in the search to comment more. They may try to hire a senior professor or someone who can help with the MBA program or something.
As for the chair, that move may have been approved by the overseas people. I wonder. Thanks for talking.
The bad thing about a search like this is that the person they bring back and hire will be looked at as "the person the Dean and Associate Dean picked/hired.." by the other faculty in the department. That individual will be thought of as an administrator's toadie from day one. That's too bad, but it will be reality.
Once you know the players, what has transpired is predictable. Very few honorable people become deans or associate deans. Academia resembles a cesspool, the big chunks rise to the top.
LVN wrote: I certainly hope you are excluding Stan Hauer. Also Mary Ann Stringer. Also Marie Ferrell. Plenty of others, these just came immediately to mind.
Cossack wrote: Very few honorable people become deans or associate deans.
Maybe you just hit some of the "very few."
I agree with Cossack. Far too often deans/associate deans/assistant deans/chairs are running from something, usually the inability to earn substantive raises through research. While there are always exceptions, one might want to "examine" the ratio of good administrators to bad administrators.
DISCRETIONary Effort wrote: Whereas no honorable people become pompous, self-proclaimed elder statesmen for their colleges.
I agree with you, DISCRETIONary Effort. I'd like to see a ten-year quality-adjusted publication record for all full professors in the CoB. Let's use the last college-approved journal ranking list (1995-96) as our guide. Then we can rank all the "elder statesmen" in terms of research, which is the "soul" of the CoB according to your dean. Then we can see who the deadwood is. I'll put that together...if I can find updated publication lists for all the old guys. I'll go look on the CoB page at usm.edu.
cleanup man wrote: LVN wrote: I certainly hope you are excluding Stan Hauer. Also Mary Ann Stringer. Also Marie Ferrell. Plenty of others, these just came immediately to mind.
Cossack wrote: Very few honorable people become deans or associate deans.
Maybe you just hit some of the "very few."
I agree with Cossack. Far too often deans/associate deans/assistant deans/chairs are running from something, usually the inability to earn substantive raises through research. While there are always exceptions, one might want to "examine" the ratio of good administrators to bad administrators.
Who ever got a substantive raise from their research at USM? Not in CoAL.