I put together some pieces of random data that I found while looking into the Angie - USM research foundation appointment. ASome not easy to come across, but an open ear filled in some blanks at a party.
Southern Diversified Products has work done at University by agreement with the Research Foundation. And licenses technology from the University through the Reseearch Foundation.
Southern Diversified Products was Founded by Dr. James Evans and Shelboo.
Dr. Evans currently heads Southern Diversified Products in Shelboo's absence and owns the majority of stock in the company.
Dr. Evans was Shelboo's first PhD graduate student to finish at Southern Miss
Dr. Evans heads the Mississippi Polymer Institute here at Southern Miss in the Thames Research building. Dr. Evens has a separate state budget line item for he and his 6 employees.
Dr. Evans heads the team putting in the $20,000,000 commericializaiton center from congressional pork and it happens to be what he said Southern Diversified Products needed a couple of years ago
Dr. Evans reports to the polymer department chair who had been handpicked by Shelboo's Secretary. Dr. Evans and marek urban have several patents together and are having the research done on campus and marketed by the research foundation. Dr. Evans also sits on the Departmental Faculty Committee.
Dr. Evans's office sits in between the polymer department chair and that of Shelboo's secretary's office.