JACKSON - The 12-member state College Board, which in recent years has focused on trying to increase the salaries for higher education faculty and staff, on Wednesday extended that focus to the presidents of the eight public universities.
The College Board voted - with no dissent - to provide a 5 percent across-the-board raise for the college presidents. Earlier, the boardprovided a raise of at least 5 percent for faculty and staff.
Member Virginia Shanteau Newton of Gulfport said while the salaries of the university presidents might seem high to many people, the raise was needed to try to keep them competitive with peers in surrounding states. Plus, she said, being a university president is a demanding 24-hour, seven-day-a-week job....
My question: Why do all get 5%? Why is it that the IHL requires merit raises for faculty & staff, but not for presidents? SFT doesn't deserve a merit raise of 5%. His evaluation should be " Far below expectations/ Needs much Improvement".
This from the recent Clarion Ledger story on presidents' salary increases.
"Khayat's state salary will increase $10,000 to $210,000. Foglesong at MSU, Shelby Thames at the University of Southern Mississippi and Robert Mason at Jackson State receive the same state salary. Private foundations for Jackson State and USM provide $50,000 salary supplements, less than what is provided by similar groups at Ole Miss and Mississippi State."
This is the kind of bull**** we fought the powers-that-be when Fleming was here. Yep, thanks to them car dealers we are in the class of Jackson State!
donald wrote: This from the recent Clarion Ledger story on presidents' salary increases.
"Khayat's state salary will increase $10,000 to $210,000. Foglesong at MSU, Shelby Thames at the University of Southern Mississippi and Robert Mason at Jackson State receive the same state salary. Private foundations for Jackson State and USM provide $50,000 salary supplements, less than what is provided by similar groups at Ole Miss and Mississippi State."
This is the kind of bull**** we fought the powers-that-be when Fleming was here. Yep, thanks to them car dealers we are in the class of Jackson State!
In a couple of years equality will look good. The deed is done.