What follows is a very abbreviated report on the President's Council (PC) Meeting of Wednesday, June 29. We will only feature a few topics, but following past Faculty Senator Trellis Green's good example, we will forward the official minutes of PC meetings to you just as soon as they are approved.
There was a great deal of discussion on this topic. We both heard Dr. Thames say that some faculty would receive zero raises. We believe this was in response to a question. Myron mentioned that Faculty Senate (FS) President David Beckett had already held a meeting with current and past executive officers of the FS as well as other faculty. The sense of those in attendance at that special meeting was that the Administration should welcome input on a process for determining raises, and the officers of the FS would develop a framework for a process for raises that is consistent with the current Faculty Handbook. Myron asked if the President would be receptive to this type of input, and if appropriate data could be provided in timely ways to Senate officers and others. Dr. Thames responded positively to both of Myron's questions. Myron also said the officers of the FS would be timely in developing their framework but that depended on having data. Dr. Thames indicated that he preferred to pay retroactively rather employ a poor process just to meet a deadline.
Ray stated that the definition of "merit" for raises and the primary determination for raises should be left to academic departments or their equivalents. Otherwise, faculty primarily engaged in teaching and service would be undervalued.
Ray mentioned the perception that the USM Marketing and Public Relations office never seems to respond to articles critical of faculty. He ask that things change and recalled that Provost Hudson had agreed to do something about this matter when he spoke at the FS retreat in August 2003. Trellis Green confirmed that Provost Hudson had said this at the retreat.
Dr. Thames briefly discussed attrition of faculty. Myron raised questions about attrition data for faculty over a five year period. Over the most recent three-year period, the rate of attrition of faculty at USM has been about 17%. Dr. Thames claimed this attrition rate is not much different from comparable three-year rates at Ole Miss and MSU. Dr. Thames also stated that data exists to back up his claim, but did not present the data.
There was a ton of discussion about the condition of many USM facilities. Both of your senators contributed to this discussion, abeit less passionately than many other PC representatives. Dr.Thames said he would look into the condition of some of the facilities.
We will defer to the minutes of the meeting for a summary of other topics of discussion. Let us know if you would like these short summaries to continue or would prefer just the minutes to the meeting. In any case, we will forward the minutes to senators. The next meeting of the President's Council is scheduled for July 28 at 3:30 p.m. Since Myron will be traveling at that time, he is seeking a proxy to represent him.
"...The President's Council met on Wednesday for one and one-half hours during which time several important issues were discussed. One major topic included faculty and staff raises. As was noted in my letter last week, the IHL Board of Trustees granted Southern Miss the authority to increase tuition by 6 percent. Funds obtained via the tuition increase will be consumed by fixed costs. Thus, in order to fund faculty and staff salary increases, monies from operational savings will be utilized. This means, of course, that we must all work together to realize these efficiencies again next year. The raises will be allocated based on merit. The deans and vice presidents are working with chairs, directors, and supervisors to appropriately distribute raise monies across both campuses for final allocation to faculty and staff. Although details are still being determined, the raises will be retroactive to July 1, 2004, if the process cannot be completed in time for the July pay period.
Each and every day, I am an advocate for The University of Southern Mississippi and boast about the talents of those who make us successful--our faculty and staff. We are one team, working collectively to deliver a quality education to our students. Clearly, we would not nor could not have been successful in the delivery of education, research, and service efforts without top quality faculty and staff. The Department of Marketing and Public Relations generates more than 75 "good news stories" a month that are disseminated to media outlets statewide. Marketing and Public Relations regularly provides me a listing of media coverage, and I will begin sharing the media coverage information with the President's Council and with you via the President's Page.
I also was asked to speak to the issue of faculty and staff turnover. In response to the request, I presented information provided to me by Russ Willis, our human resources director. At this point in time, faculty turnover (9 percent) is less than in previous years (17 percent). However, the data is tentative and will be until the end of the summer term when termination paperwork is filed. When the final numbers are available, I will share the information with you.
I was dismayed to hear a number of concerns expressed about the conditions of our classrooms. Concerns ranged from conditions of excessive fluctuations in temperature and inability to regulate temperature to desks that are undersized for many adults and a myriad of unworkable instructional equipment. I discussed the issues of classroom furniture and air temperature with Gregg Lassen Thursday morning and asked him to look into the matter at his earliest convenience. He will be prompt, and when he has provided me data, I will share it with all faculty and staff. He will also deliver the information he obtains to the new director of the Physical Plant, Carl Russell "Rusty" Postlewate, who will be joining the Southern Miss family on July 12."
If SFT means anything that he says in his latest "love note," why aren't he and Lisa Mader working overtime to discourage the anti-faculty letter writers?
Leaving ASAP - Thank you for posting Ray & Myron's summary here and allowing us all to be privy......somehow I find the facsen summary to be more credible than the SFT summary......
I just read the IHL board minutes for June and USM was the only university to report zero, none, nada, (0), zip terminations.
So, I guess no one has left, including Hanbury, Dvorak, the mister, or anyone else.
Anyone heard of anyone leaving? USM officials have not.
I guess Babbs is making stuff up again. Truth, you better look into the propaganda Babbs and others are reporting on the site regarding these phantom leavings.
I could swear Gary and Mary Ann were going to Texas, but I guess I was just dreaming.
Oh, well, thanks USM for setting me straight.
Reality must be a great thing, I just can't find it.
quote: Originally posted by: Let Freedom Ring "Leaving ASAP - Thank you for posting Ray & Myron's summary here and allowing us all to be privy......somehow I find the facsen summary to be more credible than the SFT summary...... No Quarter"
And I would like to publicly thank Dr. Trellis Green, a faculty senator, who continues to do the right thing in a difficult situation. CBED chose wisely.
Is the President's update for real? I thought it was a joke. Did he actually send this out to people? If so, how can those of us who are not qualified get a complete copy of this document?
quote: Originally posted by: FYI "Is the President's update for real? I thought it was a joke. Did he actually send this out to people? If so, how can those of us who are not qualified get a complete copy of this document? Thanks..."
FYI, just go to USM's web page. The President's Update can be found there on the lower right.