Last year, I believe, there was a press release (a small barrage, I might add) about USM being chosen a "Champion of Industry." After seeing the press, etc. and viewing the accompanying video on the internet, I concluded that the award was contrived and absolutely meaningless ( and I ain't that smart).
Today my conclusion appeared correct after reading the Clarion Ledger's article entitled "'Livable City '. . . comes with a price tag." The award cost around $20,000 to get! Given our current budget woes, what idiot suggested spending this much money on a worthless award? But then again it makes perfect sense given the current state of leadership or lack thereof. Is a Carnegie Research University (or whatever SFT keeps calling us) chosen the same way?
Carneige is a classification system, not a ranking. SFT ignors this fact. It is not embarrassing to be catagorized as a Carneige Research Extensive University, yet be listed (not RANKED) in the third tier of universities in the US by US News? But if AD can go from $10,000 t0 $39 million in two years, SFT can surely go from third tier to "world class" in a New York minute!
The Research Foundation was the result of a lot of hard work by Dr. Don Cotten and Dr. Cecil Burge under a previous administration and is based upon the immense success of the true World Class universities that do not have to proclaim themselves World Class. So SFT is taking credit for other's very gifted lead and hard work.
The Research Foundation values its assets in a legal, but unique manner. Most of the value is from patents that have been donated to the university. For example, if Company A donates a patent that cost them $3 million to develop (throught the patent process, which can be costly), it is a $3 million asset. And the company takes a $3 million tax deduction. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much!
However, the actual value to the Research Foundation from a cash flow standpoint is $0, zip, nada. We now just own the intellectual property. First, someone has to want to license the patent from the university. Then they would pay a small amount for the license and either a percentage of the profits from the results of the patent or a fee per widget manufactured using the patent. OR, we could just sell the patent. That is a negotiation issue.
In the years before SFT and his sycophants came aboard, the Research Foundation had well over $10 million in assets, based upon the development costs through the individual patents. In the last year before SFT took over, I think an additional $5+ million was added to the books.
There is a fee to transfer the patent from the company to the university, usually in the several thousand dollar range (government paperwork and lawyer costs). This is usually paid for by the university.
These numbers ($39 million) are 'funny money' numbers and do not represent actual cash and negotiable securities. They have, for the most part, no actual value. At least until we can find a 'buyer' for the patent.
It is a numbers game. The more patents that the university 'collects' the greater the likelyhood that a potentially big winner will come into the fold. But in the meantime, you collect a lot of toads.
But the companies who are developing new ideas often come up with products that do not fit their needs, but they have the invention patented. After a while, if there is no internal justification, and there is no 'buyer' for the patent, they like to donate it to a university to get the tax deduction. After all, they then get some of their capital back to invest in new research. After a 'relationship' is built between the company and the university, if the experience is positive, the word spreads.
Some universities are receiving tens of millions each year in royalties from these patent donations. But like I said, you have to acquire a lot of toads before one becomes a prince.
The idea (Research Foundation) is a real step forward for the university's long term financial health. The numbers being kicked about, while they may be valid (AD taking it from $10,000 to $39,000,000 is a pure fabrication), they are not real dollars.
quote: Originally posted by: Pirate " Carneige is a classification system, not a ranking. SFT ignors this fact. It is not embarrassing to be catagorized as a Carneige Research Extensive University, yet be listed (not RANKED) in the third tier of universities in the US by US News?
Perhaps the most important ranking is provided every ten years by the National Research Council. It pertains only to doctoral programs, but it is fa more important than the one in US News. NRC presents its carefully prepared data by discipline. I have not seen USM tout the NRC data. I wonder why. I also wonder if anyone out there has access to those data.
quote: Originally posted by: R A " But in the meantime, you collect a lot of toads. ... But like I said, you have to acquire a lot of toads before one becomes a prince..."
But if you lick those toads, can't you at least hallucinate about them turning into princes?
RA thank you for the explanation. This is exactly what bothers me about SFT. He takes an otherwise excellent concept (building up patent assets), and distorts it to his advantage. However, most of the time the distortion is so grave and spun to such an extent that one loses the good idea. Why can't he or the administration just explain it like you did without the spin?
Simply put, Shelby does not understand this concept. He is not that smart. He just sees it as a way to make himself look 'successful'. The man does understand PR.
He is a slightly above average chemist with a well above average ability to sell himself. It went unchecked for the last 35+ years, and AKL would not deal with him, ultimately allowing him to slide into his current position. He started at the top of the polymer program, so everyone that came in had to cowtow to him. If he had entered an existing program (as he did when he was in the Chemistry Department), he would have been forced out due to his inability to work with others (as happended with the Chemistry Department and his subsequent request to McCain to start his own program).
quote: Originally posted by: Capitol Eagle "RA thank you for the explanation. This is exactly what bothers me about SFT. He takes an otherwise excellent concept (building up patent assets), and distorts it to his advantage. However, most of the time the distortion is so grave and spun to such an extent that one loses the good idea. Why can't he or the administration just explain it like you did without the spin?"
You are suffering from the same "search for rationale thought" that we have all suffered from. That's why there is such insanity here...they make bad decisions, they lie, they cover them up, they repeat the cycle. There have been so many "inflection" points where sanity could have prevailed...and didn't. I've often wondered why students would spend more time and energy concocting ways to cheat rather than making the same effort to learn; this behavior reminds me of that. There's a pathology running rampant that is beyond my limited understanding.
quote: Originally posted by: Cowboy's Sweetheart "Perhaps the most important ranking is provided every ten years by the National Research Council. It pertains only to doctoral programs, but it is fa more important than the one in US News. NRC presents its carefully prepared data by discipline. I have not seen USM tout the NRC data. I wonder why. I also wonder if anyone out there has access to those data. "
Here's a site which uses the National Research Council data in ranking doctoral programs along 20 criteria. One can select one or all of the criteria in achieving a ranking. Only one criterion (e.g., quality of faculty) need be given a nonzero weight. The website is:
quote: Originally posted by: Cowboy's Sweetheart " Here's a site which uses the National Research Council data in ranking doctoral programs along 20 criteria. One can select one or all of the criteria in achieving a ranking. Only one criterion (e.g., quality of faculty) need be given a nonzero weight. The website is: "
Using "Quality of Faculty" as the only criterion for the discipline of English Literature, USM is 10 ranks above Mr. Faulkner's University up in Oxford. I wonder how Gary Stringer's departure, and the departure of others in English, will erode USM's ranking next time this study is done (which should be within the next year). Let's hope Noel Polk doesn't also bail ship too.
quote: Originally posted by: Lamont Cranston "Using "Quality of Faculty" as the only criterion for the discipline of English Literature, USM is 10 ranks above Mr. Faulkner's University up in Oxford. I wonder how Gary Stringer's departure, and the departure of others in English, will erode USM's ranking next time this study is done (which should be within the next year). Let's hope Noel Polk doesn't also bail ship too. "
Using "Educational Effectiveness" as the sole criterion, the data at reveals that English Literature at USM is 12 ranks above Ole Miss. I haven't had time to do other doctoral-granting USM departments, but the site is very easy to use.