"Pretzel, Checkers, Present Professor, & Fedora (name calling aside) make sound points in that we do little to improve the state of the university, whether we work here or not, when we stop trying to effect positive changes through constructive conversations with each other and those who represent us (Faculty Senate, Staff Council, the myraid of councils that exist, our chairs, etc) and seemingly begin attacking each other instead. Thames wins. We’re so busy trying to second guess people’s motives, degrade their professionalism, and otherwise spaz that those who run the Dome and those on the IHL who seem hell-bent on wrecking this place have achieved their aim. We’ll do it for them. The added benefit? To “outsiders” (and a few insiders, I might add) we DO sound just like the whining adolescents described by the faculty detractors in the many HA opinion pieces."
Quote from Heather Sterling Turner from another thread.
Well said. We need to eliminate the personal attacks, the nastiness, and the blatent attempts to rumor-monger on this board. We are losing people from the cause because of the tone the struggle has taken. This hurts our efforts to make OUR university better. I remember when the struggle was polite and on target. We were making progress. Lets refocus the discussion and move forward.