Shelby, we thank you lots for your recent letters to us as friends and colleagues, the moreso because we do understand how much agony and pain it must have cost you to say nice things about us---actually to say in public and in writing that you value us. Have you tried to imagine how much better the last two years would have been if you had tried that from the beginning? We do give credit where credit is due, of course, but I am bound to remind you that if you speak with the tongues of men and of angels but have not charity, you are as sounding brass and tinkling cymbal. I am sure the Lord suggested that to you last time you and He talked, but perhaps you just missed it; but I wanted to remind you. I wanted to suggest to you also that you should listen to us, your friends and colleagues, and understand that the reason we want you out of the president`s office is precisely that we have your best interests at heart. We really can save you from history if you quit now. If you leave now while there is still something of USM left for us to build on, in a couple of years you will be hardly a minor blip on the radar screen of USM and Mississippi history. You will be remembered, if at all, as a blowhard dictator who came to power, did some damage, threw some tantrums, and then got told by the grownups to sit down, shut up, and make Nice. But if you stay much longer, we may not be able to save you. If you stay much longer history will remember the Thames name---and you---as a simpleminded and egotistical would-be dictator who as president moved from one colossal screwup to another and finally brought the dome down around your ears. You will be not a tragic figure who wanted to good but failed, but rather as one of the greatest screwups in Mississippi history---and that, you know, is a fair field full of folks; you will be remembered a simple incompetent who hired the wrong people, fired the wrong people, made astonishingly bad decisions, threw tantrums at people who questioned or criticised, fired your friends to save your own hide when the tide started turning against you, then started pretending to be nice when the tide turned. You know, I have really tried, seriously tried, to think of a single solitary thing you have done right since you have been in office. Not a one, not even accidentally. That is really an astonishing record. I would really hate to be in your shoes, Shelby, when the entire state of Mississippi, including Roy Klumb, and all our alumni, finally understand how really badly you have screwed over this state and this university. It really wont be pretty, do you think? So, please, take our good wishes and resign---get out now while the getting is good, and take Angeline Dvorak and Lisa Slay and your whole retinue with you; and, oh yes, please before you go, hire Anthony Harris, Don Cotton, Melissa Whiting, Gary Stringer, and Frank Glamser back. Thank you for your attention. Now please go. Let us rebuild. Sincerely, Noel Polk Professor of English
Thank you Dr. Polk for saying everything that a majority of the individuals on campus would love to say but are in fear of retaliation. I, too, am worried about the reputation all of this nonsense has caused the state and this university. I am beginning to believe that SFT was placed in the president's position merely to destroy Southern Miss. He is doing a good job of it.
I am only waiting for the next ball to drop - it has been too quiet on campus for too long. This is not a good sign!
It seems obvious to me that Noel Polk has decided to leave USM. This series of escalating letters is designed to enrage Thames in an attempt to be dismissed. That also suggests to me that he intends to leave the state (sorry Ole Miss, MSU), because the college board grants tenure at state schools and would be unlikely to do so if someone is dismissed for cause. This is of course just my opinion FWIW.
quote: Originally posted by: palindrome "It seems obvious to me that Noel Polk has decided to leave USM. This series of escalating letters is designed to enrage Thames in an attempt to be dismissed. That also suggests to me that he intends to leave the state (sorry Ole Miss, MSU), because the college board grants tenure at state schools and would be unlikely to do so if someone is dismissed for cause. This is of course just my opinion FWIW. "
I like your post, however the "he's leaving the state" logic is faulty if you buy into the UM/MSU conspiracy theory.
quote: Originally posted by: tomcat "I like your post, however the "he's leaving the state" logic is faulty if you buy into the UM/MSU conspiracy theory."
I don't buy into the conspiracy theory. I believe that Klumb is an idiot. He thinks that Thames is improving USM with a new economic model. He has no real interest in the arts and humanities, but will tolerate faculty in these areas if they "toe-the-line". Klumb will be delighted if Polk leaves; it will be one less critical (and highly visible) voice.
Originally posted by: palindrome "That also suggests to me that he [Noel Polk] intends to leave the state . . . because the college board grants tenure at state schools and would be unlikely to do so if someone is dismissed for cause."
Perhaps you are correct and Noel will leave the state. I hope not, because that would be a big loss for Mississippi. I may not be aware of everything, but from what I have read it is my personal opinion that Noel has done nothing to warrant dismissal for cause - unless expressing ones opinion in strong words constitutes cause. He has very likely irritated some higher authorities a bit, but I hope that would not be viewed as cause for termination. In view of the way S&G were treated, however, nothing is certain in the bizarre environment which currently exists on the USM campus.
Originally posted by: ram "Are you saying that if SFT can be goaded into precipitous action, a substantial legal settlement might be forthcoming?"
Oh. no. Not at all. The likelihood of litigation hadn't crossed my mind. All I was saying is that, considering my limited knowledge of the situation, I am aware of nothing which should legitimately warrant terminating Noel Polk for cause. It appears to me that he is simply exercising his right to express his views, and those views have probably irritated some people to no end. But in view of the ruthless manner with which G&S were treated, one can't be too sure of anything at USM under the climate which currently exists there and at IHL in Jackson.
quote: Originally posted by: Big Bad Wolf "“But in view of the ruthless manner with which G&S were treated, one can't be too sure of anything at USM under the climate which currently exists there and at IHL in Jackson.”"
I’m sorry, but gangster management at USM has been practiced since at least the 70’s, and very likely since the university started. There have been victims prior to Stringer and Glamser. There will be more victims in the future.
Gangster management is just like it sounds. It is impossible to get gangsters to play nice or fair, or obey any laws, or go to “nice school.”
They rule throughout the world because they get things done quickly, good guys do little or nothing to control them, and few challenge them on law violations.
This leads to a type of legalized slavery. If you don’t bow down to them they will go all out to destroy you (ask Stringer and Glamser). They are the plantation owners and managers, we are their slaves.
They know the slaves have little power because THEY MAKE THE RULES, and they ARE NOT going to share power with the slaves. Why should they? It would cut into their fun and numerous benefits. And they are PROS at what they do.
To change USM, we have to change the thinking of the whole state, and maybe the South.
Originally posted by: Toe " . . . . There have been victims prior to Stringer and Glamser. There will be more victims in the future . . . . It is impossible to get gangsters to play nice or fair, or obey any laws, or go to “nice school.” . . . . If you don’t bow down to them they will go all out to destroy you (ask Stringer and Glamser). They are the plantation owners and managers, we are their slaves . . . ."
Toe, it is not like that at all universities. I know that for sure. I am aware of the dehabilitating effect the Bilbo era had on Mississippi's pubic universities, and I read the book Exit 13 concerning the McCain era at USM. I have no doubt that any sequal to that book would be considerably thicker. There are many stories in the big city.
Shelby Thames may try to fire Noel Polk. But it would be the height of foolishness for him to do so.
Although Thames remains in power, the cost of any further arbitrary firings of tenured faculty is now too high for his sponsors on the Board. They don't want to spend time putting out fires, they don't want to deal with appeal hearings, and they don't need the guaranteed bad publicity. Whether Roy Klumb has figured this out, I don't know, but several of those whose votes he needs to keep Thames in power have surely done so. Even those whose conscious goal is to bust up USM would much rather see it done quietly.
What an incredibly poorly written letter! Check your grammar, sentence structure, tense, AND content! And to think - from an English Professor. Sad...very, very sad. No wonder Dr. Thames is trying to rid the University of inadequate faculty and staff. Or could it possibly be "Those who can't....teach."?
quote: Originally posted by: Just looking "What an incredibly poorly written letter! Check your grammar, sentence structure, tense, AND content! And to think - from an English Professor. Sad...very, very sad. No wonder Dr. Thames is trying to rid the University of inadequate faculty and staff. Or could it possibly be "Those who can't....teach."?"
EH???? I only see two instances of words that are omitted, and no instances of tense issues or grammar. As for sentence structure, there's a little something called "style" that creative writers play around with (as in the visual arts) where you can break certain grammatical conventions or rules in a stylistic manner in order to create a certain effect (think Hemingway's long, run-on sentences). If you're looking for a boring, 5 paragraph essay from Dr. Polk, I think you're barking up the wrong tree.
And if you don't like the content of Dr. Polk's letter, go troll somewhere else.
quote: Originally posted by: Just looking "What an incredibly poorly written letter! Check your grammar, sentence structure, tense, AND content! And to think - from an English Professor. Sad...very, very sad. No wonder Dr. Thames is trying to rid the University of inadequate faculty and staff. Or could it possibly be "Those who can't....teach."?"
My guess is that Professor Polk was a better grammarian when he finished high school than are most of today's college graduates.