For what it is worth, colleagues, I just sent this to Shelby:
Well, Shelby, you are grinding out the smileyface record of your good deeds at a record rate, and of course we thank you for them---can you possibly imagine what a good laugh it gives us when you call us colleagues, and when you actually thank us for doing stuff we have been doing all along even when you were lying to us, spying on us, and trying to fire our colleagues? For sure, we get a HUGE charge out of it and we really thank you for it; it is in fact the nicest thing you have ever done for us. Oh, we are glad that you have finally found the good manners (did you find them at a meeting of the IHL board?) actually to thank us and to recognize us as colleagues, but Jeez, Shelby, dont you really get it? dont you really understand that you have taken the juiciest job a man ever had handed to him on a silver platter and blown it completely? You took perhaps the most productive faculty in the region, the most competent and hardowrking staff anywhere and turned us all into your muck, and you have the the pearl-handled outrageous and completely clueless audacity to believe that because you now smile we are going to turn over and give you our other cheek? You really gotta be kidding. Shelby, thanks to your behavior for the past two years, WE SIMPLY DO NOT TRUST YOU NOW AND I DOUBT WE EVER WILL. You@have not been nice ever before. Why do you think it is going to work now? Jeez, we may be the idiots you have taken us for for the past two years, but we are not fools. Once bitten, you know. I also meant to suggest in my last response to your smileys, that I would be careful in using the name of the LORD again. That could be dangerous. Nobody I know believes that you listen to the Lord any more than you listen to anybody else, and anyway, it is really and truly beneath you to@appeal to a higher power, especially as you have for so long acted as if there IS no higher power than you. You cant lead us if we dont trust you, Shelby, and we dont. Go away. Give us back our university. Sincerely, Noel Polk Professor of English
quote: Originally posted by: ree "thanks dr. polk. robin ebert ps. i defended my thesis this week...i am sad and happy to be going"
Rock on, Dr. Polk, and congrats, Robin!
I think a lot of us English grad students feel conflicted--we love USM's English dept--or at least we love how it was when we started our programs, how it still mostly is for us, largely because our profs have tried very hard to maintain a positive environment for our learning even in this outrageously insane situation.
Yet common sense compels us to race to finish our degrees asap, while they still (might) mean something, and before our major professors and committee members quite justifiably leave for institutions that would actually value the very, very, very hard work that they do (even though, God forbid, it usually isn't terribly economically profitable).
It just makes me sick to think of damage that has been done in two short years, and I shudder to think of how much worse it could get if something doesn't happen soon. Hardly makes me feel like a valued "client." More like a sacrificial lamb.
quote: Originally posted by: noel polk ".......the pearl-handled outrageous and completely clueless audacity ............... WE SIMPLY DO NOT TRUST YOU NOW AND I DOUBT WE EVER WILL........ You cant lead us if we dont trust you, Shelby, and we dont. "
Oh man, do you have a way with words!!! I especially love the "the pearl-handled outrageous and completely clueless audacity." Way to go Dr. Polk!
Leaving, I don:t know how to post to facsen list, but would be happy if somebody else forwarded these messages.
quote: Originally posted by: LeavingASAP "Dr. Polk, Do you have a way to post your recent letters to the Faculty Senate's listserv? The faculty and IHL board should read this. "
Noel perfectly illustrates the virtues of wide reading--and the absolute indispensability of a liberal arts education--in his wonderfully adept phraseology. There's not only some Faulkner in there but--am't I right?-- Mark Twain in that "pearl-handled....audacity" collocation. Where is it that Twain used "tree-calf" in almost exactly the same way?
Way to go, Noel. Keep on with the Saki. Doin' you lots of good.