This week's Advertiser News has a front page story titled "Controversy has little effect on Shelby Thames." This is a widely distributed free weekly publication available in the Hattiesburg area. The newspaper has a website,, but it has not been updated this week. A few excerpts:
Thames on the controversy: "It's certainly been troublesome to me, because I don't want to hurt the University. In my mind, I've done what's in the best interest of the University."
On being liked: "I really would like everyone to like me, but it's not going to happen. There are some who don't like the way I walk, the way I talk or what I stand for."
On his supporters: "...thousands of business people and the Board of Trustees support me. There is a huge silent majority."
On the SGA's reaction to the controversy: "They were always real respectful of me. They were mature, and I am proud of them for that."
On getting past the controversy: "I don't think it (controversy) will ever be forgotten. I hope the students, faculty and community have learned some lessons. It's not about us; it's about what's right for USM. This University is bigger than all of us."
In addition the article mentions SFT's Type A personality; the "maximum flexibility" he gives his administrators; and his "kitchen cabinet" of administrators that always puts the best interests of the students first.
Fans of "webster's glossary" from the FS site will be interested to know there is a full-length color photo of SFT "standing in the schoolhouse door." Well, actually he is standing in front of the door to the Administration Building, but you get the idea.
quote: Originally posted by: Googler "Thames on the controversy: "It's certainly been troublesome to me, because I don't want to hurt the University. In my mind, I've done what's in the best interest of the University."
A fair number of insane people who murder their children say, "In my mind, I've done what's in their best interest." Maybe Shelby thinks that at this juncture in history, the best thing for USM is to destroy it.
Of course, "in my mind" bothers me a lot when the person talking is a nut.
On being liked: "I really would like everyone to like me, but it's not going to happen. There are some who don't like the way I walk, the way I talk or what I stand for."
Good to know he doesn't care, because most people really don't like what Thames stands for if it's phrased as "abridgement of free speech", cronyism, graft & corruption.
On his supporters: "...thousands of business people and the Board of Trustees support me. There is a huge silent majority."
Baloney. The vast majority of people either don't give a rat's a$$ what happens at USM or they hope that USM will implode, giving even more prominence to MSU & Ole Myth.
On the SGA's reaction to the controversy: "They were always real respectful of me. They were mature, and I am proud of them for that."
Respect is difficult to distinguish from fear. And sycophants do not necessarily respect the person they feign to worship.
Again, most students don't know that the president exists. Seriously.
On getting past the controversy: "I don't think it (controversy) will ever be forgotten. I hope the students, faculty and community have learned some lessons. It's not about us; it's about what's right for USM. This University is bigger than all of us."
Note here that ADMINISTRATION is conspicuously absent from the 2nd sentence in this statement. The administration, being perfect, didn't have to learn anything.
Again, this is baloney, because SFT has never in his life acknowledged an institution that's bigger than himself.
Or as Bob Dylan said, "Great as you are, man, you'll never be greater than yourself."
This recent article is the third in a series about SFT. The first focused on Shelby's personal and educational background. The second was about SFT the scientist and featured a shot of him in the lab. I have read all three articles and each has caused an outbreak of historical laughing. After picking myself off the floor I have thrown all three where they belong, in the trash. All three read as satires although I doubt that was the point. The articles author, Josh Mitchell, may now be the world's leading authority on SFT. That’s something to put on the old resume.