The gov will make a gesture. Maybe one to demonstrate his efforts "on behalf of racial justice". Maybe one to demonstrate his unflagging committment to law enforcement. Can he do both?
If not, he's gotta figure out which is more likely to benefit him, i.e., which is "politically correct". He is -- after all -- a politician. The gov will make a gesture. Maybe one to demonstrate his efforts "on behalf of racial justice". Maybe one to demonstrate his unflagging committment to law enforcement. Can he do both? If not, he's gotta figure out which is more likely to benefit him, i.e., which is "politically correct". He is -- after all -- a politician.
To fail to issue an exonneration simply because he hasn't done it before is a pretty poor reason for not doing it now. I wonder if someone were heading to the death chamber and the primary evidence confessed to lying if the governor would take the same stance . . . if so, you better hope they execute you BEFORE they find out you might be innocent because Barbor's idea of a game is to keep his batting average at 1.000 . . . . no matter what the truth might be.