Rumor is that a request for ANOTHER delay in the sheduled NCATE visit has been received by the state department. The NCATE coordinator has left. Know anything??
quote: Originally posted by: TeacherGirl "Rumor is that a request for ANOTHER delay in the sheduled NCATE visit has been received by the state department. The NCATE coordinator has left. Know anything??"
TeacherGirl. I am in the loop on this one (Associate Dean in EPY). We passed all standards on our recent MDE performance review (this has just been changed to a "mini-NCATE" process). That visit was in April. The one issue we have to address is that the Teacher Ed curricula need to have a dedicated course in classroom management (not merely infused in other courses). We have these on the books, so it shouldn't be a big issue.
Perrin Lowrey was our NCATE coordinator for one year. Perrin received his degree from ELR years ago, and was a 'burg Assist Super (retired) before joining us for a year in CISE and to help out with the bumpy transition after Carl and April left. He also taught for us for years as an adjunct. He is re-retiring to go into consulting and spend more time with his children (can't blame him)
We are currently looking for an assistant dean for professional education, who will also be our university NCATE coordinator. Keep your eyes open for interview dates--this has been a national search, and we hope to interview later this month. Given the complexity of the prof ed programs at USM across colleges and campuses (grad and undergrad), we are really at the point where we need a person to assist us with prof ed program issues, accreditation, field experiences, licensure, databases and maybe even ed grants and research.
Overall, our teacher ed programs are in good shape, but the data systems and outcomes tracking for the revamped performance-based NCATE standards are still being worked on. For this reason (and the admin changes in the dean's office) an NCATE extension until Spring of 2006 was requested. So this is a positive, rather than negative, thing. There is a new conceptual framework in place, MDE is changing their processes, as is NCATE--so there is much work to be done. No announcement has been made about the dates associated with our NCATE accreditation process, but as soon as we receive official word, we will disseminate this information. Hope this helps. Feel free to stop by my office in OMH 116 if you want to chat about this.
Your words are some of the first positive ones I've heard about NCATE. I imagine that the circumstances under which Carl Martray and April Miller left can't be too helpful for a favorable review. From what I continue to hear though is that a positive MDE review, or mini NCATE as you call it, does not equate to a positive NCATE review. One of my colleagues who is an NCATE reviewer says that continued extensions should not be looked upon as positive. I know that you mean to reassure, just be certain that those who are reporting to you truly know what they are doing.
USM can extend all they want but with the absence of faculty in CISE with actual teaching experience, and the absence of diversity within that faculty (check the # of CISE faculty who are actually USM grads), the program at USM is in jeopardy. It would be interesting to be able to determine how many former CISE faculty members (let's name names, Mitch) have material in the current NCATE folio . . . . .
quote: Originally posted by: True Grit "Your words are some of the first positive ones I've heard about NCATE. I imagine that the circumstances under which Carl Martray and April Miller left can't be too helpful for a favorable review. From what I continue to hear though is that a positive MDE review, or mini NCATE as you call it, does not equate to a positive NCATE review. One of my colleagues who is an NCATE reviewer says that continued extensions should not be looked upon as positive. I know that you mean to reassure, just be certain that those who are reporting to you truly know what they are doing."
Hear you loud and clear, TG. The bigger issue, is does Mitch know what he is doing?
When I came in after Carl and April left, I had a learning curve that needed to be steep. I believe that this clinical psychologist (my accred experience has been APA) now has a relatively good handle on the Ed issues (as does young Mr. Pierce, our Dean, of course). In fact, I have been the person to complete many of our docs this year (e.g., PEDS reports), and have been struck by the data and systems challenges that need to be addressed. However, we have many, many good ed faculty at this university with a tremendous breadth of knowledge--so I am optimistic that we are on the right path and that we will do just fine with NCATE.
You are correct that a positive MDE outcome does not equate to a good NCATE review. However, a lousy MDE would be a bad sign for NCATE! So, either the glass is half full...
So the short answer: the sky is not falling. Read our institutional 1998 report and then look at the new NCATE standards. You'll see how things have rapidly evolved in the past several years. I am aware of areas that need attention here (some SPAs and so forth), but that is what NCATE helps us to do-continued self-study, assessment, and improvement. Anyway, we'll keep the university community posted on where this all stands as information becomes available. Try to attend open forums with the assistant dean candidates.
quote: Originally posted by: thenextstateover "USM can extend all they want but with the absence of faculty in CISE with actual teaching experience, and the absence of diversity within that faculty (check the # of CISE faculty who are actually USM grads), the program at USM is in jeopardy. It would be interesting to be able to determine how many former CISE faculty members (let's name names, Mitch) have material in the current NCATE folio . . . . . Your pal, thenextstateover"
NCATE encompasses more than CISE. But it does sound like you may be former member of CISE.
If you are concerned that former CISE members' work will be unreasonably overrepresenetd in the NCATE document room, the ethical thing to do is to contact NCATE just before our site visit at:
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education 2010 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Telephone: (202) 466-7496 Fax: (202) 296-6620
I don't forsee this as a problem, however. Given that there are so many changes in the standards, older artifacts may not be satisfactory documentation.
If you are "Baton Rouge," give a call and let's catch up.
I'll try to be there. Do you have any time considerations for these interviews yet? I know you can't be totally specific, but I'd really like to hear what these candidates have to say.
quote: Originally posted by: dr. bice " nextstateover--- It does sound like they will attempt to use as much old stuff in the dossier as they can (from reading this)."
Dr. Bice:
"They," meaning the professional education faculty at USM, will use current materials to meet current standards. Perhaps I was not clear enough for you, and that is why you are confused. It seems that you and nextstateover have some personal stake in seeing that NCATE not go well at USM. Please realize that accreditation affects the day-to-day careers of faculty and students at USM, and trying to damage us by inneundo affects the rank and file represented by the AAUP, the faculty senate, and other elected bodies. If you have a bone to pick with the powers- that-be at USM, you don't help the cause in this way.
For anyone reading this post. I have posted to this message board several times to provide information to the university community, which may or may not be useful information for you (the drug and alcohol committee; a request for NCATE information). If this is not a safe place to do so, in a board sponsored by our AAUP, than I can't imagine that there is any public board on which it is safe to post. Challenging inquiries are appropriate and welcome. Unsubstantiated personal attacks, Dr. Bice (that we will "attempt to use as much old stuff in the dossier as they can"), suggesting that my colleagues in the various programs housing licensure programs and I will behave in an unethical manner in our NCATE process, are not appropriate or acceptable.
Mitch makes several pertinent points. Yes, an adverse NCATE visit would adversely affect the entire education community at USM. Admittedly, there are serious pockets of ill will toward CISE for a variety of reasons. Yes, that is only one part of the NCATE umbrella. However, it will do none of us any good to throw the baby out with the bath. That being said, I feel that pressure needs to be applied in the area of CISE. There are still "rotten things in Denmark!!"
Actually, I am at UNO and am a former student in CISE. I am just saddened by the tremendous hemmorage of talent out of CISE. You have obviously confused me with a former faculty member who we all think should have sued USM long ago. But, as she says, "who wants that stink" on them. Funny you should bring up potentially damaged careers - there's a chair in your college you obviously didn't give that a single thought when she took to the wrecking ball.
I think we can all agree that for our students' sakes, we'd love nothing more than to see USM pass NCATE accreditation. The 1996 - 1998 period when USM was in potential trouble (aka Probation) was not a pleasant time at all. The 1998 visit proved to be substantially great since the end result was that we passed and USM no longer was on probation. This is not an attack on you, Mitch - at that point you were solely placed in the Psychology Dept. Understandably, as the Assoc. Dean, your role in this has remarkably changed. Nonetheless, the key people, with the exception of Eric Luce and David Walker, who had a major stake in overseeing the 1998 visit and writing the Institutional Report are now gone. Perhaps they've been replaced by stellar people. I can only hope so.
In short, I don't think that the people who have posted on this thread wish ill will on USM - since I believe that USM encompasses far more than just a couple of individuals. I think that your response to thenextstateover concerning documents by former faculty members was the right response. If anyone has an issue with that - they can contact NCATE. Well said. Anyone who experienced that period of Probation will naturally be concerned about the next visit especially since postponements usually coincide with problems. Okay, there's my 2 cents worth on this subject. Couldn't resist.