What is your purpose in disrupting and possibly destroying this message board? Is your hatred of, or loyalty to Dean Doty, and of one another, so intense that you would destroy this only safe avenue of communication for all the faculty and true friends of USM?
Do you have so little regard for your colleagues in other colleges, and for those of us in the community or on staff who still care about USM, that you would destroy this board?
It is the easiest thing in the world to start a board. Many of you have the means and the know-how to have any kind of board you want to have. Why must you trash this one?
I am deeply ashamed of some of you, even without knowing who any of you are. You are supposed to be mature adults, scholars and gentlemen.
There are two groups in the CoB. One group wants Secret Vitas, Secret Raises, Secret Promotions, Secret Teaching Deals, Secret Travel Money, Secret Degrees, and Secret Perquisites. The other group wants everything out in the open. The Secret people support Doty because he harbors and nurtures their Secret ways. The other people are against Doty for the same reasons.
The other group uses the board to expose Doty's crooked deals and Secrets. The Secret people use this board to try to confound the problem by attacking the other group directly.
This board isn't just about Shelby. It's about the IHL, Cynthia, Angie, Mark, Tim, Jay, Jack, and Gregg. It's about Pood, Doty, Gandy, Fos, and Pierce. It's about Frank and Gary, Dana, SACS, Polymer Science, departures, Mississippi State's presidency, Ole Miss's conspiracy, the Coast's pain and suffering, Katrina, New Orleans, ID vs. Evolution, politics, Hattiesburg, Warren Paving, NCATE, NCLEX, AACSB, APA, and more.
This board is supposed to be dedicated to academic freedom and shared governance. This board has prided itself on sharing information to stop abuses. Well, in my opinion, Doty's deanship is an abuse of academic freedom and shared governance. Some of us have been exposing all of this as it happened for over 2 years. When will you see that until all the Thames administration's corruption has left USM, none of us will be rid of him. If you know someone or some people you consider to be a quality faculty member or members (teaching, research, and service) in the CoB, drop by their office(s) and ask them about all this. Ask them if you should put Doty in the Good column or the Bad column. When we post things here, you question and discount them. You are tempted by the Secret group's posts.
Ask yourself if you want Secrets or not.
That's why there are these fights. The Secrets hate it when light shines on their deeds.
Southern Justice - Here is my problem with all this COB stuff. I suspect that it is an issue with many others. All I ever read on the COB is Doty, and then a bunch of "econprof #4" and "asst prof in ec/fin/IB". And "my sources say". And "just heard". Now we read about "Secrets" and others.
If you have no problem bringing up the Dean, then why will you not show the guts to tell those of us who don't know who these people are. Who are the "secrets"? Who is "econprof #x or #y"?
Why is this necessary? Because until you do, then it is clear that this is nothing more than innuendo and conspiracy talk. Stop playing games like a fourth grade girl and get it out. We don't know who you are talking about. If you can bash the Dean, then you should have no problem outing these so-called "Secrets" as well. Grow a pair.
Counting the days wrote: Southern Justice - Here is my problem with all this COB stuff. I suspect that it is an issue with many others. All I ever read on the COB is Doty, and then a bunch of "econprof #4" and "asst prof in ec/fin/IB". And "my sources say". And "just heard". Now we read about "Secrets" and others. If you have no problem bringing up the Dean, then why will you not show the guts to tell those of us who don't know who these people are. Who are the "secrets"? Who is "econprof #x or #y"? Why is this necessary? Because until you do, then it is clear that this is nothing more than innuendo and conspiracy talk. Stop playing games like a fourth grade girl and get it out. We don't know who you are talking about. If you can bash the Dean, then you should have no problem outing these so-called "Secrets" as well. Grow a pair. Count
What happens when a CoB thread names a faculty member who is seeking other jobs? The poster is chastized for blowing his/her cover. Now you want me to post names? The names of the "Econ prof#x" people have appeared on the board. The only names withheld are the ones that have not accepted a job yet.
There has been a whole lot of talk about Doty's Secret Degree program, the Secret Promotion Deal (with names), and the fact the various named Doty supporters have continually gotten special deals. Posts were written. Names were named. Schemes described. Doty quotes posted. What do you need, a story on WDAM? In the HA? have you ever (EVER) called a CoB prof you trust to verify anything you read on this board? If so, then I'd like to know who it was. If you have not, then why don't you prove all my assertions wrong. If Doty hasn't done most of the things he's been exposed as doing, then I'll stop posting. Call a prof tomorrow. Ask questions. Make up your own mind.
SJ - It is still unclear to me who is who. What if I contact the wrong prof (he or she might be a "secret", you know).
I understand that there have been lots of posts that outline what has happened there. I've read them. But the only ones that are recognizable are admin types (chairs, etc).But there are a lot of faculty over there.
Who would be the best source to confirm that there is a "Secret" group. Who, specifically are they? Again, If you can out admin types, why can't you out the "secrets" as well.
Help us all - Help us understand. List some specific names that are in this "secret" group. I should not have to call anyone. We all want to know - who are the "Secrets"?
LVN - I had forgotten to say this earlier, but I could not agree more with you. There is not a post that appears that does not seem to have some attempt to drag COB into the discussion. It is as if there is a core group of people who can not control their ability to comment on things outside of that college without bringing it up. It is really sad.
The entire premise of this thread is insulting. I cannot believe that Southern Justice actually took the time to type a response to you automatons. You want assistance from the University community for your problems in your colleges. You want everyone to believe that Pood is evil, Pierce is weak, Dana Thames is the devil. When you recount secondhand things that are said in faculty meetings, departmental meetings, or in the hallway, they are to be taken as fact. When CoB posters do the same, it is innuendo and rumor. We have presented video of Doty at South Florida and have pointed out the lies and inconsistencies between that video and his activities in Hattiesburg. Why haven't names been named? To protect good faculty from Doty's payback. We have presented you with easy ways to verify stories. However you do not care to lift a finger to dial a phone. You do not care to take the time to educate yourself. What you want is exposure. Would that make you support the anti-Doty contingent in the CoB? Probably not. If names were named, then you'd want dueling video clips or audio recordings. If video or audio were presented, then you'd say that you need to see it firsthand, live, with your own two eyes. This board operates on a great double standard. If you're in CoAL, CoH, or Psychology, you're a good person and you don't have to work to gain respect or belief of your posts. If you're in CoB, CoST, or Education, you're a bad person and nothing you can do will make your posts believable. Critical thinking skills my a$$.
The entire premise of this thread is insulting. I cannot believe that Southern Justice actually took the time to type a response to you automatons. You want assistance from the University community for your problems in your colleges. You want everyone to believe that Pood is evil, Pierce is weak, Dana Thames is the devil. When you recount secondhand things that are said in faculty meetings, departmental meetings, or in the hallway, they are to be taken as fact. When CoB posters do the same, it is innuendo and rumor. We have presented video of Doty at South Florida and have pointed out the lies and inconsistencies between that video and his activities in Hattiesburg. Why haven't names been named? To protect good faculty from Doty's payback. We have presented you with easy ways to verify stories. However you do not care to lift a finger to dial a phone. You do not care to take the time to educate yourself. What you want is exposure. Would that make you support the anti-Doty contingent in the CoB? Probably not. If names were named, then you'd want dueling video clips or audio recordings. If video or audio were presented, then you'd say that you need to see it firsthand, live, with your own two eyes. This board operates on a great double standard. If you're in CoAL, CoH, or Psychology, you're a good person and you don't have to work to gain respect or belief of your posts. If you're in CoB, CoST, or Education, you're a bad person and nothing you can do will make your posts believable. Critical thinking skills my a$$.
But you fail to mention that you have done this over and over and over and over and over and over and over etc. Repeat and repeat on thread after thread etc. And still most are in the dark as to who and what are involved. Hence the questions. It appears that all you want is to keep 6 threads about CoB going on page one of this board so you can mention Doty's name 2350 times a day. This has backfired and readers are sick of CoB and angry that your tactics even caused discussions of closing down this board.
I am not sure why there is a perceived problem here. I view the Board in the manner I do a newspaper, only of higher quality and less bias. I scan this Board in the manner I scan newspapers. From my standpoint, many posts are not worth reading. Certainly I have written posts of very marginal value even negative value. It is human nature to want to avoid the people and ideas you do not like, or in which you have no interest. If there are too many posts about a particular college or ton topics that not of interest, skip them. Only if there is a response will the thread hang around.
I do not see how trying to curtail posts from posters you do not agree with, or that are annoying to you is acceptable in an open forum. I thought it was the administration that wants to limit faculty, not other faculty limiting some faculty. The market of ideas will sort out foolish posts from informative posts. Foolish posts get ignored and informative posts get read and considered.
I am not sure why there is a perceived problem here. I view the Board in the manner I do a newspaper, only of higher quality and less bias. I scan this Board in the manner I scan newspapers. From my standpoint, many posts are not worth reading. Certainly I have written posts of very marginal value even negative value. It is human nature to want to avoid the people and ideas you do not like, or in which you have no interest. If there are too many posts about a particular college or ton topics that not of interest, skip them. Only if there is a response will the thread hang around. I do not see how trying to curtail posts from posters you do not agree with, or that are annoying to you is acceptable in an open forum. I thought it was the administration that wants to limit faculty, not other faculty limiting some faculty. The market of ideas will sort out foolish posts from informative posts. Foolish posts get ignored and informative posts get read and considered.
Cossack, I didn't think these people liked markets. They like their preferences and wish that you and others did too.
... The Secret people support Doty because he harbors and nurtures their Secret ways. The other people are against Doty for the same reasons. ...
While I am not a Doty supporter, I do favor him ten to one over Southern Justice. This should not be construed as a compliment to the Dean nor as a measure of support. Southern Justice has done more than anyone in COB to insure Doty remains in the position.
I am not sure why there is a perceived problem here. I view the Board in the manner I do a newspaper, only of higher quality and less bias. I scan this Board in the manner I scan newspapers. From my standpoint, many posts are not worth reading. Certainly I have written posts of very marginal value even negative value. It is human nature to want to avoid the people and ideas you do not like, or in which you have no interest. If there are too many posts about a particular college or ton topics that not of interest, skip them. Only if there is a response will the thread hang around. I do not see how trying to curtail posts from posters you do not agree with, or that are annoying to you is acceptable in an open forum. I thought it was the administration that wants to limit faculty, not other faculty limiting some faculty. The market of ideas will sort out foolish posts from informative posts. Foolish posts get ignored and informative posts get read and considered.
But when we read a CoB thread it usually runs like this: Someone makes an assertion without evidence or much infomation. Questions are asked, but not answered. Another repeat of old info about Doty. More poor post saying nothing. Another Doty thread is started. People ask for names and info, but are Bull Sh*t.ed as to why this can't be given. On to another thread of CoB.
LVN is right, say something of substance or stop wasting time and space. SAY SOMETHING ALREADY!!!!
But when we reada CoB thread it usually runs like this: Someone makes an assertion without evidence or much infomation. Questions are asked, but not answered. Another repeat of old info about Doty. More poor post saying nothing. Another Doty thread is started. People ask for names and info, but are Bull Sh*t.ed as to why this can't be given. On to another thread of CoB. LVN is right, say something of substance or stop wasting time and space. SAY SOMETHING ALREADY!!!!
You can solve your own problem, no "But..." Cossack is telling you to stop reading COB threads if they bother you.
Feed Up wrote: But when we read a CoB thread it usually runs like this: Someone makes an assertion without evidence or much infomation. Questions are asked, but not answered. Another repeat of old info about Doty. More poor post saying nothing. Another Doty thread is started. People ask for names and info, but are Bull Sh*t.ed as to why this can't be given. On to another thread of CoB. LVN is right, say something of substance or stop wasting time and space. SAY SOMETHING ALREADY!!!!
You can solve your own problem, no "But..." Cossack is telling you to stop reading COB threads if they bother you.
Yes, I can stop reading those threads, but that is not the problem. As LVN said, the post in those threads na the number of tham are threatening the existence of this board. We asked that you either improve the quality of CoB threads or stop posting the large volume of B.S.
I can't tell you how many posts I read on this board that are complaining about the COB trolls. Isn't it also trollish to disrupt conversation by calling one a troll? I've seen this all before (and there has been research done on communication styles and problems with listserves): without proper facilitation (this being different from moderation,) your board is doomed to repeat this cycle of rubbish into infinity -- and beyond! I see several important matters that have been introduced that have not been given proper attention. Attention being a keyword here. Anybody read anything about the "Economy of Attention" online?! There's lots to read in my free time and unless I begin seeing more substance here, I will pay more attention elsewhere... In other words, stop wasting my time!
PS: I don't post often, but would like to thank the person who mentioned the word 'satisficing' the other day.
I can't tell you how many posts I read on this board that are complaining about the COB trolls. Isn't it also trollish to disrupt conversation by calling one a troll? I've seen this all before (and there has been research done on communication styles and problems with listserves): without proper facilitation (this being different from moderation,) your board is doomed to repeat this cycle of rubbish into infinity -- and beyond! I see several important matters that have been introduced that have not been given proper attention. Attention being a keyword here. Anybody read anything about the "Economy of Attention" online?! There's lots to read in my free time and unless I begin seeing more substance here, I will pay more attention elsewhere... In other words, stop wasting my time! PS: I don't post often, but would like to thank the person who mentioned the word 'satisficing' the other day.
Yes, I can stop reading those threads, but that is not the problem. As LVN said, the post in those threads na the number of tham are threatening the existence of this board. We asked that you either improve the quality of CoB threads or stop posting the large volume of B.S.
Threatened by whom? As long as the AAUP pays the bills, then the board stays alive. The only way the board can be shut down is if the AAUP decides to shut it down.
This is another in a string of fear-mongering posts that are made in an attempt to scare off posters who post anti-Doty sentiment.
... As long as the AAUP pays the bills, then the board stays alive. The only way the board can be shut down is if the AAUP decides to shut it down. This is another in a string of fear-mongering posts that are made in an attempt to scare off posters who post anti-Doty sentiment.
Question: If a poster is eligible to be a member of AAUP and does not join or contribute financially to the maintenance of the board but uses the board for thier personal agenda, are they a "rent seeker?"
FEED UP wrote: Yes, I can stop reading those threads, but that is not the problem. As LVN said, the post in those threads na the number of tham are threatening the existence of this board. We asked that you either improve the quality of CoB threads or stop posting the large volume of B.S.
Threatened by whom? As long as the AAUP pays the bills, then the board stays alive. The only way the board can be shut down is if the AAUP decides to shut it down. This is another in a string of fear-mongering posts that are made in an attempt to scare off posters who post anti-Doty sentiment.
FYI, Up the Creek. The existence and format of this board was discussed at thet last AAUP meeting. That is what I pointing out.
Question: If a poster is eligible to be a member of AAUP and does not join or contribute financially to the maintenance of the board but uses the board for thier personal agenda, are they a "rent seeker?"
Question: If a poster is eligible to be a member of AAUP and does not join or contribute financially to the maintenance of the board but uses the board for their personal agenda, are they a "rent seeker?"
No. The poster would be a "free rider."
The past two years, I have donated a modest sum in addition to my AAUP dues to support this Board because I think the Board has great value. I will be glad to pay more if that is necessary to maintain this Board. I am not bothered by the free rider problem nor all of the silly posters who disagree with me. I do not understand why some posters want to censure other posters unless the posts are personal attacks or use over the top language. I can see why SFT would want to censure this Board, but why would some faculty want to censure this Board?
But when we read a CoB thread it usually runs like this: Someone makes an assertion without evidence or much infomation. Questions are asked, but not answered. Another repeat of old info about Doty. More poor post saying nothing. Another Doty thread is started. People ask for names and info, but are Bull Sh*t.ed as to why this can't be given. On to another thread of CoB. LVN is right, say something of substance or stop wasting time and space. SAY SOMETHING ALREADY!!!!