Kay Wall, the University Librarian who took the position after Jim Martin stepped down, has accepted the same position at Clemson. The change will take place in early summer.
For those of you who have been around a while, you realize what a big deal this is. Kay has been a key advocate, for the libraries and for the university, for very many years. This is another of the key, substantial departures we have been seeing over recent years. No one is more capable than Kay Wall to run a university library and her shoes will be very difficult to fill.
We can only hope that a proper search is instituted, and soon. A national search, done above board and honestly.
From the bottom of Tier IV to the top of Tier II as head Librarian --- that's a helluva move! Congratulations Kay, you deserve every bit of this. You're as good as it gets.
On another angle, SFT is about to have his 3rd Univ Librarian. Wouldn't you think that under normal circumstances a university prez would have to survive a long long time to have 3 librarians? It's amazing. He's done it in 4.
Institutions never fall down with a bang, they fall a brick at time. The bricks keep falling. Few notice one brick missing and after a period of time, the falling bricks become routine and no one notices. Soon the institution becomes shabby and a slum. Then no one wants to be there and only those who are trapped by circumstance remain. Optimism fades and only Pollyanna can smile. Boss Tweed can sit in his office and exclaim, "we are wurld class". When Boss Tweed is gone, we will have a secret president that wears a mask at all times and has a device that disguises her/his voice. Have a nice day. http://www.sparkimg.com/emoticons/biggrin.gif http://www.sparkimg.com/emoticons/biggrin.gif
In some circles, the quote has achieved an almost mythic status. The version I heard was "I think libraries are a thing of the past. I haven't been in one in __ years." The number of years varies, usually from 15 to 25. Perhaps it has grown with the telling, but considering Shelby's demonstration of his complete lack of understanding of libraries, sometimes I doubt it.