I hope the university community will join me in backing Mayor Johnny DuPree. He was reelected by an overwhelming margin,yet a hostile cabal of three white city councilmen refuses to back his city appointments leaving the mayor with no choice but to refuse to submit them to the council for confirmation. I think one of the black leaders in Covington County said it best,"It's like Jim Crow on steroids."
First, you assume that there is such an entity as "the university community" and then you assume that such a group would agree on this or any other issue. When it comes to civic issues, residents of Hattiesburg (which some of us are) have a wide range of viewpoints on this situation.
I was disappointed to read the responses to Ms. Massengale's letter. Instead of answering the issues she raised, the response was to call her "a disgruntled former employee." That's a real cop-out. Nowhere did I see a defense of the two people she criticized which was based on anything substantive. Calling her names isn't an answer to the things she said. I wonder if she's sorry she spoke so warmly about the mayor.
Let's see--SFT is roundly criticized for incompetence, corruption, cronyism, secretiveness and fiscal irresponsibility, and the critics are considered by many to be forthright and courageous. When the same charges are leveled at the city administration, it's called Jim Crow. DuPree & Co. might want to remember "The Boy Who Cried Race."
It is the mark of an unbiased society when you can criticize a politician on the basis of his or her performance, and no one characterizes that criticism as racist. It appears we are not there yet. I am confident that the Mayor is a person that does not take the criticism in the manner suggested in the post