When you come on this board, pull up threads from days ago, only to make unintelligible remarks, when you post repeatedly to these threads without saying anything meaningful, here's what you do:
You TRIVIALIZE the very real and very serious situations which have had a devastating impact on this school, this community, and on the lives of dedicated faculty, staff and students. People giving up their careers, homes, and communities, and being publicly humiliated, is not a game or a joke.
Just for the sake of being smart-alecky, or "cute" or drunk, or whatever the hell is going on with you, you play on this board like a child in a mud puddle. I don't know if you're a student, a disgruntled ex employee or ex-spouse, or the neighbor's dog's second cousin, but whoever you are, I ask you to stop this junk.
This board exists for a real and serious purpose. The people on it get silly or angry or bitter, but most of them have something to say. You don't even have anything to say, you just waste people's time and attention. You need to stop doing that.
If you have something to say that people need to know, then tell it. Otherwise, please find a better hobby than this one.
I concur on all points. At first, I must admit, it was like a car wreck where you just had to look, you couldn't help it. But now, it is not only a nuisance, it is an embarrassment to the writer. Additional posts of this nature will only bring sympathy for AD. Let's get back on track here.
Who's to say these folks are actually AD haters? Trivializing & disrupting this forum might be something AD supporters would want to do.
BTW, the same thing applies to Doty-bashing. Without any real identifications around here, I've often wondered if the folks who claim to be COB faculty aren't just domoids looking to attack a dean that SFT regrets hiring...
Invictus wrote: Who's to say these folks are actually AD haters? Trivializing & disrupting this forum might be something AD supporters would want to do.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.