Is anyone who is familiar with the model of spinning off a private company to represent and help commercialize the interests of university scientists able to direct me to those successful models? I am much more familiar with technology transfer being a direct university function. At USM, is there internal support for budding entrepreneurs to license technology without going through Noetic?
[I]...[Thames] "I've seen people come up with great ideas, but they don't know where to take it," he said...
Well, just based on a half century & change living in Miss'ippi, I figure if you have a great idea &want it to be a successful money maker, the best place to take it is to another state.
I would still rather meet my retired buddies over there to play golf.
Over the next ten years, it would probably have been cheaper to maintain the golf course. An accounting of what will be spent on that boondoggle versus what it makes probably won't be pretty. However, there will be some who will do quite well off that particular boondoggle. Isn't economic development great!