On motion by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Blakeslee, with Mr. Owens absent and not voting, it was RESOLVED, that the Board elects Mr. Roy Estess as the next Board member until his formal Senate confirmation. Ms. Newton introduced Mr. Roy Estess and welcomed him to the Board. (p. 1)
USM - Rename the Master of Science in Family Studies and Consumer Sciences degree program (CIP 19.0499) to the Master of Science in Child and Family Studies degree program (CIP 19.0704) in order to align the program title with the bachelor’s degree program and the departmental name. (p. 4)
c. USM (Information Item.) - USM is establishing the Katrina Research Center. This limited scope and outreach center will provide a public clearing house for information and materials that contribute to the expansion of knowledge about Hurricane Katrina. The University is seeking funding for the Center from various external sources.
d. USM (Information Item.) - USM has established the Center for Human Rights and Civil Liberties. This limited scope and outreach center serves to sponsor a degree program minor in human rights and provide opportunities for students to apply knowledge in practical ways. The Center is administered by a voluntary Advisory Board and Board of Directors comprised of faculty, students, and community representatives. The University is seeking funding for the Center through external grants. (p. 4)
13. USM – Approved the purchase of property located at 596 North 25 th Avenue in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The purchase price of $48,600 is less than the average of two appraisals. University funds will be used for the purchase. (p.7)
Payment of legal fees for professional services rendered by Bryan Nelson, P.A. (Statement dated 10/17/05) from the funds of The University of Southern Mississippi. (This statement represents services and expenses in connection with the Krell case.) TOTAL DUE.......................................................$150.90 (p. 9)
A motion was made by Dr. Magee, seconded by Mr. Blakeslee, to approve the proposed changes to the Board Policies and Bylaws – 201.0608 Institutional Executive Officer Search Process. The motion passed on a 10 to 1 vote, with Mr. Owens absent and not voting. Board members voting for the motion were: Mr. Ed Blakeslee, Mr. Thomas Colbert, Dr. Stacy Davidson, Mr. Roy Estess, Dr. D. E. Magee, Dr. Bettye Neely, Ms. Virginia Shanteau Newton, Mr. Aubrey Patterson, Ms. Robin Robinson, and Ms. Amy Whitten. Mr. Scott Ross voted against the motion. (p. 11)
System Administration - Board Policy 301.02 Election of Officers provides that the Board shall elect its officers at the January meeting of the Board to take office on the 8th day of May each year. Ms. Newton opened the floor for nominations for the office of Vice President of the Board. Ms. Whitten nominated Dr. Stacy Davidson, and the motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson, with Mr. Owens absent and not voting and with Dr. Davidson abstaining. There being no further nominations, the nominations were closed. It was
RESOLVED, that Dr. Stacy Davidson was elected as Vice President of the Board for a one year term, beginning May 8, 2006.
2. System Administration - Approved the resolution commending Mr. James Roy Klumb for his professional contributions and dedication to the Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning. (See Exhibit 3.) (pp. 11-12)
2. USM - Approved the Resolution for Exclusion of Certain Officers/Directors which excludes the Board members from access to classified material. The University performs classified research for the Department of Defense. As part of the process of employing personnel with security clearances, the Defense Investigative Service requires current and accurate copies of these types of Board resolutions. A copy of the resolution is included in the bound January 19, 2006 Board Working File. (pp. 15-16)
1. Dr. Meredith informed the Board that his visits with key legislators have been going well. He thanked Dr. Magee for attending the reception last night. Dr. Meredith stated that he has received a positive response from Governor Haley Barbour who is saying this year is the year for higher education. He noted that the state revenue estimates look promising. (p. 16)
6. Dr. Meredith stated that the MSU presidential search is going well with only a few bumps. No candidates have been chosen yet. (p. 16)
Executive Session On motion by Ms. Whitten, with Ms. Robinson and Mr. Ross absent and not voting, the committee voted to close the meeting to determine whether or not it should declare an Executive Session. On motion by Ms. Whitten, seconded by Mr. Owens, with Ms. Robinson and Mr. Ross absent and not voting, the committee voted to go into Executive Session for the reason later reported by the Chair in Open Session and stated in these minutes, as follows:
Discussion of a tort claim case at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.
Discussion of a potential IHL land transaction.
Discussion of potential litigation at the Board Office. (p. 21)
Exhibit 2 Amendments to the Board Policies and Bylaws – 201.0608 Institutional Executive Officer/Commissioner of Higher Education Search Process. (pp. 27-29)
EXHIBIT 3 January 19, 2006
R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning recognizes the outstanding dedication and achievements of Mr. James Roy Klumb, as a member of the Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, Mr. Klumb is a native of Crystal Springs, Mississippi, has completed a twoyear program in Ornamental Horticulture at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College and holds a bachelor’s degree from Mississippi State University in political science; and WHEREAS, Mr. Klumb is an executive with the Klumb Lumber Company, a family owned and operated business, with offices in Mississippi, Texas, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee; and WHEREAS, Mr. Klumb is a member of the Mississippi Retail Lumber Dealers Association, the Mississippi Lumber Manufacturers Association, the Harrison County Republican Executive Committee, a former member of the Executive Committee of the Republican Party in Gulfport, Mississippi and a former member of the Gulfport Rotary Club; and WHEREAS, Mr. Klumb is a member and elder of the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Gulfport, Mississippi; and WHEREAS, Mr. Klumb was appointed from the Sixth Congressional District of Mississippi in October, 1996 by Governor Kirk Fordice to serve on the twelve-member Board of Trustees; and WHEREAS, Mr. Klumb has served for nine years as a member of the Board of Trustees, which is responsible for the management and control of the eight public institutions of higher learning and the units that comprise the IHL system in Mississippi: Alcorn State University, Delta State University, Jackson State University, Mississippi State University, Mississippi University for Women, Mississippi Valley State University, The University of Mississippi and The University of Southern Mississippi; and WHEREAS, as a Board member, Mr. Klumb demonstrated accountability to the people of Mississippi and effectively communicated the accomplishments, needs and value of the system of institutions of higher learning to the public; and WHEREAS, Mr. Klumb served as President of the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning from May 8, 2004 to May 7, 2005; and WHEREAS, Mr. Klumb was an advocate for holding down tuition at the eight public institutions of higher learning and a leading force in eliminating unnecessary duplication of academic programs at all eight public institutions of higher learning; and WHEREAS, Mr. Klumb has shown an unparalleled commitment to the taxpayers of the state and focused efforts on ensuring fiscal responsibility; and WHEREAS, Mr. Klumb is known for his frankness and straightforward governance of higher education; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning to commend the meritorious achievements of its Board members, faculty and staff; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that The Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning does hereby express its heartfelt appreciation to Mr. James Roy Klumb for his distinguished service to the Institutions of Higher Learning, the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning, the entire State of Mississ ippi and its people and wishes him continued success in all his endeavors; and BE IT RESOLVED, that Mr. Klumb’s dedication and passion for providing quality and affordable education to the citizens of this state will always be remembered. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Board and that a copy be presented to Mr. James Roy Klumb and his family. DONE, this the 19 th day of January, 2006. (pp. 30-31)
Did anything happen up in Jackson with the Board this week that might account for the dome being in a tizzy? Was the IHL unhappy about the CFO's resignation? Loans and insurance issues? Residual coast matters? A next stupid thing on the horizon? After all, it's February and that means it's about time for the annual big blunder*.
*That which can be distinguished from the quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily idiocy only in scope.