"USM's Chief Information Officer said all campus emails and voice-over-Internet Provider phone conversations may be open to monitoring by the FCC as soon as February 2007 at what could be a considerable monetary cost to students."
Very interesting article by David. This is something I never thought would have happened. The law enforcement officials and the faculty senate need to contact A. Dvorak and Shelby to inquire asa to what is worthy of monitoring. After all, A.Dvorak and Shelby did authorize the first round of monitoring during the Glamser and Stringer debate over A. Dvorak's Credentials. Also, not ot mention A. Dvorak did hire Homer. She still has an impact on the University and will always as long as she has some sort of power in Hattiesburg as the Queen of economic development. I am waiting on the list of persons she had monitored during her battle to be published.
The Chronicle of Higher Education On Campus Web-Monitoring Rules, Colleges and the FCC Have a Bad Connection By TERRY W. HARTLE http://chronicle.com/temp/email2.php?id=tzj3tzCDHJFmjNNqrxdssVqhdkKcwVsQ
This is becoming just like the good old USSR!
"After 9/11, as illustrated by recent news reports regarding secret wiretaps imposed by the National Security Agency and the government's aggressive use of the Patriot Act, the administration — with or without Congressional approval — moved aggressively to enhance the surveillance capabilities of law-enforcement agencies. The Department of Justice asked the FCC — the agency charged with overseeing Calea — to extend the law to broadband Internet-access services and to the growing Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), an Internet-based phone service."
They can listen to me if they like...If they want to know that badly what is going on in my personal life they are welcome to know.
Many wouldn't mind being watched and listened to if it just didn't violate the constitution that these officials swore to uphold. Be careful of the logical trap, "If you have nothing to hide you wouldn't mind being monitored". We are talking about the principle of living in accord with our constitution. If you want to do away with the constitution, then you are the enemy.
Are universities being treated in the same manner as all other internet providers, or does this specifically target universities? My understanding of the technology used in this monitoring is that it does not target individuals. It is scanning all traffic to ferret out particular words or phrases. I hope there is more clarification of exactly what this entails. Given the situation at South Florida recently, I can understand why universities would not be exempt from scrutiny.
There was a professor at South Florida was involved with a terrorist organization and USF had a difficult time firing him. This over a year ago and I am not sure how the situation ended. My point was that there are people associated with universities who are supporters of terror against the U.S. It is reasonable to assume that they would use the university email system.