I noticed that multiple threads have been started discussing the Dean of the College of Business. I could be wrong (wouldn't be the first time), but starting multiple threads and posting under multiple anonymous names can hinder information flow and understanding.
I know that this board is open to the public and can be used for everything from disseminating useful information to the entire university community to attempting to settle personal scores. Our fuzzy cyberspace nanny deletes little from this board--we do value all you wild and wooly characters out there roaming the campus and the businesses world of the 'Burg (and across the universe). But help the rest of out, please, when you post. Try not to start a zillion threads on the same or related topics at once, and try to use the same screen name everytime you post (unless your goal is to confuse, mystify, and baffle the rest of us).
It's like this COB posters: you can be fair and stop flooding this board, or you can start your own board. Or you can keep abusing this one until it's shut down or goes to registration only. And then you can start your own.
I think it's amusing that you took time to post this. Apparently it's okay for there to be multiple threads on other topics, just not on the CoB.
What many of you are thinking is that the CoB posters are simply whining and complaining, but this is not true. There is a bit of that going on; however, there are also some real issues being hashed out here. First of all, there is not a single college on campus that has an acceptable dean, and CoB faculty readily admit that. However, how many deans of the other colleges have NEVER successfully navigated the tenure/promotion system on their own account? How many deans of other colleges go on campus visits for other jobs and bad mouth their faculty ON CAMERA so that it is on the www for all to see? Pood is inept and will be forever branded as the dean who didn't stand up for G&S, but since then he has kept a relatively low profile and has had few high-profile blowups and SNAFUs. Pierce, Gandy, and Fos have kept low profiles all along, not rocking the boat but also not bringing the wrath of the Dome down on their colleges. Doty on the other hand has continually stirred the pot within the college, so that even when an onslaught was not impending from the Dome, there was/is turmoil inside the CoB. It's as if he has no idea how to operate in a non-crisis mode. Alternatively, one might say that he thrives on turmoil because it provides a smokescreen that helps to cover his incompetence. What other dean went door to door finding new and different ways to insult his new faculty within the first month of his arrival? What other dean courts the favor of the departments that were added to his college post-reorganization while browbeating longstanding, productive departments? What other dean manipulated long-standing college agreements to ram a non-faculty-driven online program down his faculty's collective throat? What other dean has actively sought to turn his Gulf Coast faculty against his Hattiesburg faculty? What other dean threatens to terminate two different degree programs within 9 months without even one faculty vote? What other dean spends valuable resource dollars on a digital classroom so that even more faculty lines can be replaced by online instruction? What other dean consistently argues with Thames and Grimes to the detriment of their faculty back at the home base? What other dean has a personal fundraiser? What other dean has a personal PR person? What other dean has a full/half-time administrator each to handle undergraduate and graduate programs so that the dean doesn't have to worry with petty issues like talking to students about problems that arise? What other dean has almost doubled the number of dean's office staff while at the same time witholding faculty lines? What other dean has proposed a pocket degree that can only be conferred though the dean's office?
You will notice that all of these activities make CoB faculty and students worse off. What you will apparently never understand is that this stuff is not isolated to times when Thames is inactive or when there is a sense of stability within (certainly not without) the college. Currently the CoB faculty is teaching in the first of two 8-week terms instead of one 16-week semester so that the HVAC system in JGH can be replaced. Classes meet for half as many weeks and for twice as long per meeting. This has caused great chaos in the building, yet Doty persists in pushing a vita-building agenda so that he can get the he!! out of USM. What most CoB faculty have come to realize is that he doesn't give a rip about them, their well-being, their health, their careers, or anything else having to do with them. It's all Doty, all the time.
You can all come on here and high five each other and harrumph about the need for CoB posters to keep their issues to a minimum, but what you are doing is turning your backs on colleagues in another college who currently suffer under the WORST administrator on campus. I can tell you that if Doty were president of USM that USM would be worse off than it has been under Thames because Doty has all of the arrogance and impertinence of Thames without the scholarly background or the political connections. Were Doty president, USM would be crumbling from within, under attack from the community, and totally neglected by those who control purse strings. He has no interpersonal skills and no ability to lead -- he's a bully of the worst sort.
CoB faculty are standing against him publicly now, if only a few at a time. Others are waiting for Doty to die a slow, painful death so that they can watch this first-class a$$hole wither and die instead of dither and lie. The next time you go to a university-level committee meeting, ask the CoB rep to stay a minute and talk to you about all of the chaos that reigns in the CoB. Get the story man to man, so to speak. Find out why there are all these threads about the CoB. Print this post out and ask the CoB rep about each of my claims. It's not a few disgruntled posters causing trouble on the AAUP board. It's a whole lot of bull$hit being shoveled downhill by a 1-man wrecking crew named Duane Harold Doty, a man he!!-bent on destroying what 10 years ago was the best college of business in Mississippi.
Googler wrote: Oh my my Soapster wrote: Could it be that Doty is the . . . . . . . illegitimate son of Shelby and the forgotten twin of DANA???????????????????????? OMG!!!!
Southern Justice, hold on for a little longer. Help is on the way. Expect to see Doty up on the top floor, the AD move about 15 feet to the north, and a new person occupying the AD office in 211. My guess is that it will be GC, but I am not sure. You can be others will be in line for it, but they will be disappointed. Old scores will be settled and HD will be teaching an overload. The chickens are coming home to roost.
Thank you, Mitch. Well put. It's like this COB posters: you can be fair and stop flooding this board, or you can start your own board. Or you can keep abusing this one until it's shut down or goes to registration only. And then you can start your own.
I suspect that if this board goes to registration only, few people will have anything to say. If I'm wrong, why don't you use your real name? I know why I use a fake name. Dr. Doty and his few supporters would use that knowledge to my extreme detriment.
As for Dr. Doty, we have had bad leadership in the college in the past. However, he brings new meaning to the concept. Like many bad "leaders", he surrounds himself with those who will tell him what he wants to hear. He uses the power of his position to punish those who disagree and to frighten those who might disagree. Then he tells himself it is only a few of us who whine and complain. The truth is that with the exception of the few sychophants that he rewards, he has no support within the college. There are those who openly oppose him and those who wait quietly in the hope that he will find a job or that Dr. Thames will ultimately have enough and remove him. While our prior deans may not have been stellar, with Dr. Doty it is a matter of degree. The degree to which he has abused and misused his position is stunning in scope. Now, he has converted a pretty good undergraduate business program to a complete failure. Rather than research and building ties to the local business community, faculty spend time posting on this board fretting over what Dr. Doty has done or is likely to do. Our students deserve better. We, as faculty, deserve better.
its seems like what we have heard--that SFT has effectively been muzzled--is borne out by the postings on this board. He, personally, is no longer wreaking havoc (at least to the extent of his first three years in office). BUT, the decisions he was allowed to make continue to chip (hammer) away at the quality of the university--and will do so for years to come.
Hello valued customers, eh, posters: I noticed that multiple threads have been started discussing the Dean of the College of Business. I could be wrong (wouldn't be the first time), but starting multiple threads and posting under multiple anonymous names can hinder information flow and understanding. I know that this board is open to the public and can be used for everything from disseminating useful information to the entire university community to attempting to settle personal scores. Our fuzzy cyberspace nanny deletes little from this board--we do value all you wild and wooly characters out there roaming the campus and the businesses world of the 'Burg (and across the universe). But help the rest of out, please, when you post. Try not to start a zillion threads on the same or related topics at once, and try to use the same screen name everytime you post (unless your goal is to confuse, mystify, and baffle the rest of us). We thank you for your business. Happy posting. Mitch
Mitch, I don't think there are many CoB posters on this board. It's my opinion that all of these post are being done by about 2 people. Why not check their addreses and see if the board is under attack by a few to shut the board down?
Mitch, I don't think there are many CoB posters on this board.......Why not check their addreses and see if the board is under attack by a few to shut the board down?
Does Mitch have the capability of checking the addresses of posters on this board?
LeftASAP wrote: Mitch, I don't think there are many CoB posters on this board.......Why not check their addreses and see if the board is under attack by a few to shut the board down? Does Mitch have the capability of checking the addresses of posters on this board?
Certainly has the capability to determine the host name and the IP address.
Is Mitch the moderator of this board? Second, are you suggesting that the board surveil posters in classic Glamser/Stringer fashion? If so, that says much about the convictions of USM faculty regarding the rights of others.
its seems like what we have heard--that SFT has effectively been muzzled--is borne out by the postings on this board. He, personally, is no longer wreaking havoc. .
Hold on there, Bucko. You seem to have forgotten the stealth raises to favored administrators this year.
I do use my real name. I gave my name and background information after Mandy Stringer challenged board posters to do so. Some are absolutely not in a position to do so, but many posters including Mitch, Stephen Judd, Jameela Lares, and others use their names.
As for censorship, as far as I know, Mitch is not the webmaster. There has been "censorship" all along, in the sense that some profane, scurrilous or just really nasty posts have been removed. All in all, however, the webmaster does very little removal.
I don't know that registration is the answer. I just know that there seem to be a couple of people on here who are trying to take over, and they don't give their names. They're going to kill this board and then they'll have to start their own, that's all I'm saying.
The purpose of my post was not to suggest content or limit content. It was to make you all aware that having multiple threads and multiple screen names makes it very difficult to figure out what you all are saying, and may dilute or confuse your infomration or message. As you may recall, I suggested the same approach for the MSU search--limit the number of threads started on the topic.
If a poster or poster chooses to start multiple threads on the same topic as a way of garnering attention to a specific cause, this could have the paradoxical effect of drawing attention away from that cause. But it is your board, not mine, and these issues have a way of self-correcting.
There has been "censorship" all along, in the sense that some profane, scurrilous or just really nasty posts have been removed.
This is not a dig at you LVN, the webmaster, or the AUUP but given what has been allowed to remain on this board, I would hate to see what "profane, scurrilous or just really nasty" contains.
I just know that there seem to be a couple of people on here who are trying to take over, and they don't give their names.
LVN, I just wish it were only a couple of people in COB who were whining and complaining. It isn't. It is a building full of faculty who are venting their frustration over a bad situation and a very bad dean.
LVN wrote: I just know that there seem to be a couple of people on here who are trying to take over, and they don't give their names.
LVN, I just wish it were only a couple of people in COB who were whining and complaining. It isn't. It is a building full of faculty who are venting their frustration over a bad situation and a very bad dean.
That may be true, Boozed, but there only seems to be a few (2 or 3?) who are posting over and over under different names to make it appear there are a large number. Much like you just did with your post here under your name. These post have very little content and repeat the same message over and over.
Boozed out at COB wrote: LVN wrote: I just know that there seem to be a couple of people on here who are trying to take over, and they don't give their names. LVN, I just wish it were only a couple of people in COB who were whining and complaining. It isn't. It is a building full of faculty who are venting their frustration over a bad situation and a very bad dean. That may be true, Boozed, but there only seems to be a few (2 or 3?) who are posting over and over under different names to make it appear there are a large number. Much like you just did with your post here under your name. These post have very little content and repeat the same message over and over.
I have not posted under any other name. I have spoken the truth as best I know it. However, since no one wishes to hear ill of Dr. Doty on this web site, I will not post again. I have job hunting to do.