Outside Observer wrote: Is there any one at USM NOT looking for a job?
Aaahhhhh my dear Outside Observer!
I am not lookink fur a job!!! I und my colleagues Dr. Goebbles, Herr Himmler, und Herr Mueller ur quite satisfied vith our positions und areas uf responsability vithin de university community! (Und de frequent, substantial bonuses ur not bad, either! Tank jew again, Reichsfuhe. . . er, Doktor Thames!!
Herr Doktor Mengela, PhD. Department of Publik Relations Minister of Bonus Disbursement
He's a finalist for the Provost position at Central Missouri State: http://www.cmsu.edu/x82941.xml
This one is hard to believe -- an internal candidate and a Towson State administrator both applied in November-December 2005, but Pood's letter of application is dated three days ago? Who in their right mind would consider him a viable candidate, compared to the c.v. of the other two applicants? Looks like Pood is the proverbial 'sacrificial candidate' they needed to fill out their search.
Angeline wrote: He's a finalist for the Provost position at Central Missouri State: http://www.cmsu.edu/x82941.xml This one is hard to believe -- an internal candidate and a Towson State administrator both applied in November-December 2005, but Pood's letter of application is dated three days ago? Who in their right mind would consider him a viable candidate, compared to the c.v. of the other two applicants? Looks like Pood is the proverbial 'sacrificial candidate' they needed to fill out their search.
Central Missouri State is not a bad place to be and is not an unfathemoble place for Pood to land. Warrensburg is close to KC and affords a pretty nice lifestyle. Their place in the academic hierarchy of Missouri is tenous at best. This could work well for Pood given his academic background. Let's consider that Mizzou, the new Missouri State (formerly SWMissouri), Truman University, UMSTL - as public universities (not to mention the university system campuses at Rolla and Cape G.) as well as private universities such as ahem . . . Wash U. (completely impressive), Westminister, William Woods etc. overshadow the land of Warrensburg. Maybe he'll land there, and you'll finally be rid of him. Pood, Bon Voyage.
"Partly because of my abiding belief in the "Shared Governance" process and partly because of the credibility I had established with both faculty and administration, I was asked to serve as the Council of Deans representative on the Taskforce on Shared Governance, appointed by the President at the urging of the Faculty Senate."
Just read letter of application and noticed this (ha) and also the claim that he doubled the external giving. I find this hard to believe except that he now has two colleges, so maybe it was doubled in that way.
Pood is the last of three candidates that CMSU plans to interview. info didn't mean to suggest a ranking, but merely that the process is coming to a close and a decision will come soon, maybe as early as next week.
It seems strange to me why Ms Pood has taken new position with physical plant as accountant from human resource position if they are planning on moving to Missouri. Hope he does get the Missouri position....best for the both of them in my opinion. Getting away from USM was the best move I made in my career so far.