It has not been a peaceful day. Early this morning Mlle was invited to a closed meeting -- I shall not name the other attendees, of course, only that I was not among them. At the end of the meeting she emerged looking most upset. It seems that she is not, after all, going to be the new CFO.
Now two things: Mlle does not do anything "early" -- early is 11 am or later, and only after the second cup of cafe' au lait is she ready to take on the world. Therefore, an important meeting at most people's breakfast-time is not the best situation for her. Second, I did not feel that the job was the right one for her. As I noted last week, she has trouble with her own checkbook to the extent that she no longer carries it about with her. She is somewhat confused by large numbers, and thinks everything should cost what it did in the mid-1980's.
However, nothing excuses what transpired at the meeting. As I understand, Mlle made it clear that her first action upon assuming the role of CFO would be to rescind certain raises which have been recently granted. "It is the only right thing to do, mes amis, the only right thing. You should give them back without being asked." One can only imagine the fervor of these remarks!
You will be amazed at what happened next. There was laughter, loud, raucous, rolling laughter. Mlle. was literally laughed out of the room. She stood up, threw the end of her boa across her shoulder and exclaimed, "You will rue the day! Your sun is setting! You will be turned away from your so pathetique little offices and lose your so pathetique little titles, and you will long for a friendly word and there will be none! None!! You have shown your true selves" and more along those lines. At any rate, she came out of the meeting with hair flying and eyes ablaze. She was quite, quite awake, without ever having the second cup. I have never seen anything quite like it.
"I shall go to Texas myself" she told me in the car. I took care to drive, rest assured! I do hope that is an empty threat -- the thought of packing the shoe closet alone gives one a most ferocious headache. I spent part of the day helping the housekeeper sweep up shattered champagne glasses and urging Mlle. to lie down. She did, eventually, with a cold cloth upon her forehead and Dervish by her feet. I'm afraid Dominique spent the day under the bed -- he's never seen Mlle in such high dudgeon before. Everytime he put his nose out from beneath the bedskirt, another champagne glass went sailing into the hearth, so he elected the better part of valor and took a nap where he was.
Friends, I'm afraid Mlle is planning to cut all ties with USM under the present regime, including giving up her post at D'Lo. Frankly that hasn't worked well anyway, there being serious disagreement between Mlle and Mrs. W.J. Johnson over the amount of pink appropriate to classroom decor. I'm not sure how distraught Mrs. Johnson will be, to tell the truth. Mlle. is not what one would call a "team player." Be assured, however, that no matter what happens, Mlle. will always be a friend to true scholars and honorable persons.
I believe things will settle down through the evening, Mlle. being at her best in the later hours. Do please keep a kind thought for me, that any move to Texas (or to anywhere) be only a passing fancy. You have no idea, you really have no idea.
Good evening to you all.
Hermione Angleterre, Social Secretary to Monique de Guerre
PS for those new to our board, Dominique is Mlle. de Guerre's large gentleman cat, who has an extremely peaceful disposition, to put it kindly. Dervish, of course, is the trained attack poodle and Mlle.'s constant companion. Alert readers will remember that Mlle. frequently publishes in the Journal of the American Attack Poodle, and has been a mainstay of that publication since its inception.
Nothing would please me more than to see my dear friend Mlle de Guerre nearer to me here in Texas. But, you must disabuse her of the notion. Trust me when I say that Texas is not ready for Mlle. With the emphasis on Keeping Austin Weird, she might not be taken seriously at all. I fear for her, really, should she come here. The apoplexy would be almost unmanageable for her (and for you).
As a former Honorary Gentlemen Caller, I do hope to be in the burg again soon and to drop by for a brief visit and perhaps a glass of champagne with Mlle...assuming there are any champagne glasses in the house when she arouses her formidable self from this setback. Until then, please encourage the cher Monique to set her sights on loftier goals than replacing Mr. Lassen.
Of course my cher Dominique was not injured. There were only three -- oh, four -- champagne glasses. Bien, there were five. But one does not fling glasses at one's dear animals, or at dear friends. I try most hard to stop flinging things. Perhaps I should drink champagne in le styrofoam?
One does not have the words for this poster-cinema purporting to be of my beloved Dervish. Dervish does not wear the little pom-pom feet or bows, but neither does he wear the mohawk. He is an attack poodle. He would not give so much opportunity for anyone to seize him by the fur. No indeed, he is groomed in a neatly inconspicuous manner. And he is not black, he is a most deep and beautiful chocolat with a dark raspberry leather collar. You should perhaps read my article "Transcendence, Desire and Deconstruction: Grooming the Attack Poodle for Safety" in a recent issue of Journal of the American Attack Poodle. I will find the citation later. As for the movie itself, mes amis, dear Dervish is much too busy to appear in le cinema.
One is somewhat calmed from the storms of the most unfortunate meeting. I will not say more, but my friends on campus should look about themselves. Ill winds may be blowing.
Miss Angleterre has been her most calming self, and has prevailed upon me to abandon my wish of moving to Texas. Today we looked at the closets and decided that neither of us is young enough to move all that, and things are so confused, one should not make hasty decisions. And our cher ami, DJ, did persuade me also to think of the well being of his new state. So for now I remain at chez de Guerre. I shall continue to work quietly behind the scenes for the good of our university.