“Directors of the University of Southern Mississippi Foundation agreed this week to pay Senator Trent Lott’s Chief of Staff (Bret Boyles) some $170,000 for his services in connection with the funding of the Trent Lott Center for Economic Development under construction …”
“I was stunned when I learned that we were using part of the funds we have raised to pay a member of Lott’s staff,” Chain said. …
“…Chain, chief executive officer of Chain Electric Company in Hattiesburg, said the Lott Center project is in a deep financial hole.”
…”We are actually building a skeleton now”, he said. “We won’t be able to complete the project until we raise more money.”
Does anyone out there think that there were those on the board who actually thought Thames could solve the USM financial problems--that his personal "entrepreneurship" (i.e. making paint) could carry over? If any of them were thinking that, boy have they had a rude awakening.
USM continues construction as fall semester approaches CFO Lassen says good progress has been made
...Postlewate said more donations to the Trent Lott Center have allowed certain finer details, including marble floors, that were left out of the original bid package.
"When we awarded this, we negotiated out some of the finishes knowing we would put them back eventually," he said. "We are currently modifying the contract to get those back.
"It now represents a first-class, first-floor," Postlewate said.
Postlewate said the project still calls for finishing only the first floor, but future contributions are expected to bring in enough to fund the project before its planned completion date.
Why does the Hattiesburg American never cover stories like this?
Because it is a politically correct paper that loves Johnny DuPree, David Wynn and all the other racists that run this town with the help of naive college professors.
As much as I do disagree with many on this board, I do find Bret's claim rediculous unless it was a contract deal. Not that the project was ever well thought-though on the front end. The whole issue is a fiasco, honestly.
Bret, GET A JOB THAT PAYS A STEADY PAYCHECK (Not a lobbyist) and quit milking your alma mater! And I'll be happy to talk to you in person about it. All it takes is to get out of Washington & out of another's footstep.
You & those EX's always tried to be Ole Miss back in the early 90's. I guess your misunderstanding about non-profit fundraising brings out the "litigation" side in you, huh?
Other than USM, ever worked as a university fundraiser for a salary? I didn't think so
February 2, 2006 The Independent Trent Lott Center in deep financial hole By Bob Pittman Excerpts: “Directors of the University of Southern Mississippi Foundation agreed this week to pay Senator Trent Lott’s Chief of Staff (Bret Boyles) some $170,000 for his services in connection with the funding of the Trent Lott Center for Economic Development under construction …” … “I was stunned when I learned that we were using part of the funds we have raised to pay a member of Lott’s staff,” Chain said. … “…Chain, chief executive officer of Chain Electric Company in Hattiesburg, said the Lott Center project is in a deep financial hole.” …”We are actually building a skeleton now”, he said. “We won’t be able to complete the project until we raise more money.”
This is a clear conflict of interest situation, where Boyles traded on his connection with Lott to enrich himself personally. Boyles is a self-centered, over-achieving wimp who doesn't have a clue as to the longer-term implications of what he did here. As for Thames and his crowd, the Center was conceived in 1998, announced in 2000, and a good plan inherited by Thames and crowd. They just could not pull it off. Certainly not without a little graft an corruption in it!
$4 MILLION EARMARKED FOR USM CENTER Funding is $2 Million More than Requested by University
Washington - The year’s Omnibus Bill, which passed the U.S. Senate yesterday, contains $4 million for the University of Southern Mississippi’s new National Center for Excellence in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship. The bill - a compilation of various outstanding appropriations measures for Fiscal Year 2004 - is expected to be signed by the President in the coming days. The center consolidates all of the university’s primary economic development education, research and outreach programs.....
Sen. Trent Lott proposed new restraints on home-district spending projects known as earmarks Thursday, but vowed to "fight like a tiger" against eliminating a practice that has spurred calls for higher ethics in Congress....
Reporter wrote: February 2, 2006 The Independent Trent Lott Center in deep financial hole By Bob Pittman Excerpts: “Directors of the University of Southern Mississippi Foundation agreed this week to pay Senator Trent Lott’s Chief of Staff (Bret Boyles) some $170,000 for his services in connection with the funding of the Trent Lott Center for Economic Development under construction …” … “I was stunned when I learned that we were using part of the funds we have raised to pay a member of Lott’s staff,” Chain said. … “…Chain, chief executive officer of Chain Electric Company in Hattiesburg, said the Lott Center project is in a deep financial hole.” …”We are actually building a skeleton now”, he said. “We won’t be able to complete the project until we raise more money.” This is a clear conflict of interest situation, where Boyles traded on his connection with Lott to enrich himself personally. Boyles is a self-centered, over-achieving wimp who doesn't have a clue as to the longer-term implications of what he did here. As for Thames and his crowd, the Center was conceived in 1998, announced in 2000, and a good plan inherited by Thames and crowd. They just could not pull it off. Certainly not without a little graft an corruption in it!
Not to mention Bret's father is employed by foundation or alumni association
Well, I've been waiting for the chickens to come home to roost. Y'all didn't think Hattiesburg or USM was immune from the corruption cracking the Republican party up now did you? I love how Shelby has been calling earmarks "grants" and counting them in the grants totals during his tenure - literally they are "grants" in the sense that the government granted USM some money, but there is no application, no peer-review, and little to no academic purpose, as opposed to a narrow, benefit-the-few and well-connected economic development purpose. What is it exactly that students are supposed to learn from this process? Oh yeah, Bret Boyles has learned it. Congratulations.