new guy wrote: rc...get this crew on the ball...or have you jumped ship?
New guy,
You're not as new to the board as you would have us believe. Don't ask me how I know, but the other longtime viewers also know.
Its good to hear from you. Stop by more often.
Well, now that I am blushing significantly it goes to show how often I look at the webpage. I just come here.
The website does look different than the last time I saw it (if that helps any).
Patti wrote:Robert, Its good to hear from you. Stop by more often.
Robert Campbell wrote: The reformatted home page looks great!
Reporter wrote:Robert Campbell wrote: The reformatted home page looks great! I'll check it out. Good to see you name on this board again.
Minnie Minutiae wrote:New Guy bumped up a 15 month old post - notice the original date, May 17, 2004.
Reporter wrote:Of course he is. He will always be with us. Where do you get these crazy ideas.