That could be the most over-the-top post I have read on this blog. Explain to me how each of those specific individuals contributed to the demise of USM. Several of those people brought millions of dollars in funding to the school.
Yes, some of those people obviously did cause harm (admin)....but what facts do you have to back up your accusations against the rest of the people???
That could be the most over-the-top post I have read on this blog. Explain to me how each of those specific individuals contributed to the demise of USM. Several of those people brought millions of dollars in funding to the school. Yes, some of those people obviously did cause harm (admin)....but what facts do you have to back up your accusations against the rest of the people???
Let's work on this together. Who are the ones who brought millions to the school?
USM Foundation (Tim Ryan), USM Research Foundation (Noetic, Pearl), SDP, Thames Group, Gregg Lassen, to name a few. But how did the contribute to the demise....please tell me because I don't know.
USM Foundation (Tim Ryan), USM Research Foundation (Noetic, Pearl), SDP, Thames Group, Gregg Lassen, to name a few. But how did the contribute to the demise....please tell me because I don't know.
Well, right now there is an ongoing investigation of just how much $ the USM Foundation actually has. Shelby Thames and Tim Ryan have been deposed already. This will likely be one of the biggest stories of 2006. Noetic/Pearl are dummy operations for siphoning off money from USM, plain and simple. Kelli Booth, Malone's wife, is all over this. The USM Research Foundation is a double counting sham. Gregg Lassen serves the dual role of USM grad student/USM VP for Finance. If you think he's good, you've been asleep for 4 years. It's amazing how little you actually know about USM.
The USM foundation has mismanaged funds, pure and simple. Anyone associated with that train wreck knows about the reverse audit currently in progress that is being conducted to determine exactly how much money the foundation has, how much money is in each foundation account, and where money has gone over the last 10 years. As of today, these types of questions cannot be answered with certainty. How has the USM foundation aided and abetted the demise of USM?
Afraid to draw attention to itself for fear that the public would see that the USMF was in chaos, the officers of the USMF have gone along with SFT's plans and have created an environment that has allowed SFT to operate in a financially unsound manner.
A memo went out from SFT's office late last week to the effect that no "development" account (i.e., foundation) monies could be spent without SFT's personal approval. Don't know how to interpret this but this is not a rumor, it was in print.