Was a good win...this team had plenty of ups and downs this year...They handled adversity well and never gave up...The team has character as opposed to being a bunch of characters...that says alot and the future for this team looks bright
With only 18,000 present and a minor league appearance to the whole affair, it would have been better if we had passed on this. Playing in such a minor bowl even when conditions were perfect does not help our program. And we don't have the talent or leadership to lift us any higher than what we saw last night. Pity. Pity. Pity.
What is disturbing is how much we have lowered our sights in the Thames dynasty. We once sailed with the Liberty Bowlers and others and had spark and jazz in our act. Actually, I think what we are seeing in the sunk fortunes of our athletics programs is reflective of what has happened to the university as a whole.
I watched the game last night and appreciated that the commentators gave credit to the faculty for working with the student-athletes as far as taking their finals were concerned. Faculty acknowledgment is rare indeed in the land of Tiny Thames. Glad that ESPN gave a shout out.
Otherwise, I enjoyed myself. Had good seats and nice people to be with, including the unexpected pleasure of sitting behind some special old friends. Sorry to tell Monique, if I'd tried to be "cool" to anyone they wouldn't have noticed for all the shivering!
There was some snickering in my general area (not faculty people, btw) when the announcer pronounced our esteemed president's name as "thames" to rhyme with "james" -- someone said, "oh, that'll get corrected in about five seconds!"
My report on the game: Cold. Very cold. Very, very cold. Otherwise, I enjoyed myself. Had good seats and nice people to be with, including the unexpected pleasure of sitting behind some special old friends. Sorry to tell Monique, if I'd tried to be "cool" to anyone they wouldn't have noticed for all the shivering! There was some snickering in my general area (not faculty people, btw) when the announcer pronounced our esteemed president's name as "thames" to rhyme with "james" -- someone said, "oh, that'll get corrected in about five seconds!"
I forgot to report also that there were some words exchanged within my party regarding Jeff Bower. In fact, one gentleman began to berate the coach, and one lady had to speak rather sharply to him. She quickly received backup, and the final score was 3-2 for Jeff.