Is anybody else in Hattiesburg getting extremely weird utility bills? I got a huge gas bill for time I wasn't even in the house and nothing was on, and today got a water bill for the equivalent of a year's usage. Is it just me, or is this happening to other people?
I forgot to tell you that a few of my buds and I hung out at your place off and on for a few weeks. We ate a lot of Ramen noodles, if you know what I mean. By the way, that pic of you in the bikini is hot.
LVN wrote: Is anybody else in Hattiesburg getting extremely weird utility bills? I got a huge gas bill for time I wasn't even in the house and nothing was on, and today got a water bill for the equivalent of a year's usage. Is it just me, or is this happening to other people?
Jew haf discovered our sekret plan! Jew haf been vondering vhere all uf de money has been commink from to fund all uf the double sekret merit raises!
Und now dat jew know, ve vill haf to take drastik measures!
LVN wrote: Oh, I'm glad you boys liked the picture. Of course it was taken in 1967 . . .
Yeah, man...I meant to say something about that. I think Stewie snagged that pic and took it with him. Something about it being a "keeper," whatever that means.